From Reformation to Reformation

Introductory Theology

...seeing Jesus as the fulfillment of all!
Class Page
General Description of the Course | Prefatory Material | Prolegomena | Theology Proper | Trinity | Election | Reprobation | Creation | Providence | Government of Rational Creatures | Angels | The Fall | Original Sin | Actual Sin | Punishment of Sin | God's Post-Fall Government | Christ's Conception and Birth | Causes of the Personal Union | Effects of the Personal Union | Species of Christ's Office | Parts of Christ's Office | Gospel Offer and Covenant of Grace | Sacrifices and Sacraments | The Old Offer under the Old Testament | The Gospel and Baptism |
General Description of Introductory Theology
The Ancient Catechetical Instruction of the Christian Church was composed of four general parts: 1. The Apostles' Creed (a summary of Christian Doctrine); 2. The Ten Commandments (a summary of Christian Ethics); 3. The Lord's Prayer (instruction in the devotional life); and, 4. The Sacraments. From that time to the age of the Reformation, this fundamental pattern was not altered. The careful student will notice that the great Catechisms of the Reformation (see the Catechisms of Heidelberg, Westminster [Larger and Shorter], etc.), even while elaborating the contents of the ancient catechesis, retain the basic structure. And, what has served God's people so well, and been so well tested, through the ages, there is little reason to change.
It is the purpose of this course to move through those same four elements, laying a solid and comprehensive foundation of Christian doctrine and practice, so that we might know God and God's Christ, understand and embrace God's way of salvation in the Gospel, learn to love God in His worship and our neighbor as ourselves, and participate competently in the life of the Church.
Organizational Notes:
This course is going to be divided into a series of lessons, and each lesson will have its own page (links below). This present page is the "Class Page", and will serve as an index, presenting the lessons in their appropriate order.
Every lesson will have some reading, and students can engage in discussion in the "Comments" section of the page.
Some of the lessons will include video lectures as well.
About the Readings:
Readings will come from two sources:
1. Marcus Friedrich Wendelin's Christian Theology. Wendelin (1584-1652) was a Reformed Theologian and educator. He served as Rector at Zerbst from 1610 to 1652. His Christian Theology is clear and concise, opening the internal logic of Biblical Teaching. Powerful!
2. Other authors, creeds, confessions, and catechisms. From time to time, material of this sort will be included in the "Comments" section.
About the Lectures:
Some lessons will include lectures. In the lectures, there will be a focus on the Exegetical Foundations of the doctrinal topics, with a preference given to Old Testament texts (demonstrating the theological unity and Christological focus of both Testaments). It is anticipated that there will be approximately 80 Lectures in all. Lectures will usually be delivered live, every other week, on Tuesdays (7pm EST). []
The lectures will also be recorded, placed on the appropriate lesson page, and indexed on this page below.
Prefatory Material
I. Reading and Discussion: "Who Was Marcus Friedrich Wendelin? and Why Translate His Christian Theology?"
II. Reading and Discussion: "Title Page"
III. Reading and Discussion: "Dedication, Part 1"
IV. Reading and Discussion: "Dedication, Part 2"
V. Reading and Discussion: "Dedication, Part 3"
VI. Reading and Discussion: "Preface to the Reader"
VII. Reading, Lectures (1 & 2), and Discussion: "Diagram of the Entire System of Theology", "The Vestibule of Systematic Theology (1)", and "Theological Prolegomena (2)"
I. Reading, Lectures (3-10), and Discussion: "Concerning the Definition, Object, End, and Principal Efficient of Theology", "Epistemology, Parts 1-3 (3-5)", "Theology and Religion (6)", "Archetypal-Ectypal Theology (7), "Ectypal Theologies (8)", Fundamental Articles, Parts 1 & 2 (9-10)"
II. Reading, Lectures (11-16), and Discussion: "Concerning the Subject and Causes of Sacred Scripture", "Doctrine of Revelation, Parts 1 & 2", "The Canon and Text of Scripture, Parts 1-4"
III. Reading, Lecture (17), and Discussion: "Concerning the Adjuncts of Sacred Scripture, Part 1", and, "The Attributes of Scripture, Part 1"
IV. Reading, Lecture (18), and Discussion: "Concerning the Adjuncts of Sacred Scripture, Part 2", and "The Attributes of Scripture, Part 2"
V. Reading and Discussion: "Concerning the Distribution of Christian Theology"
Theology Proper
I. Reading and Discussion: "God's Nature and Properties Outline"
II. Reading, Lectures (19-21), and Discussion: "The Nature of God", "The Existence of God, Parts 1 & 2", and "God is a Spirit"
III. Reading, Lecture (22), and Discussion: "Primary Attributes of God, Part 1", and "The Attributes of God, Part 1"
IV. Reading, Lecture (23), and Discussion: "Primary Attributes of God, Part 2", and "The Attributes of God, Part 2"
V. Reading, Lectures (24, 25), and Discussion: "Secondary Attributes of God, Part 1", "The Attributes of God, Parts 3 & 4"
VI. Reading and Discussion: "Secondary Attributes of God, Part 2"
VII. Reading and Discussion: "Secondary Attributes of God, Part 3"
VIII. Reading and Discussion: "Secondary Attributes of God, Part 4"
The Trinity
I. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of the Trinity Outline"
II. Reading, Lectures (26, 27), and Discussion: "Doctrine of the Trinity, Part 1", "The Attributes of God, Part 5", and "The Doctrine of the Trinity, Part 1"
III. Reading, Lectures (28, 29), and Discussion: "Doctrine of the Trinity, Part 2", "The Doctrine of the Trinity, Part 2" and "The Angel of the Lord"
I. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of Election Outline"
II. Reading, Lectures (30, 31), and Discussion: "Doctrine of Predestination", "The Divine Decree, Parts 1 & 2"
III. Reading, Lecture (32), and Discussion: "Doctrine of Election, Part 1", "Election, Part 1"
IV. Reading, Lectures (33 & 34), and Discussion: "Doctrine of Election, Part 2", "Election, Parts 2 &3"
I. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of Reprobation Outline"
II. Reading, Lecture (35), and Discussion: "Doctrine of Reprobation", "Reprobation"
I. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of Creation Outline"
II. Reading, Lectures (36-38), and Discussion: "Doctrine of Creation", "Creation, Parts 1-3"
III. Reading and Discussion: "Creation of Angels"
IV. Reading, Lecture (39), and Discussion: "Creation of Men", "The Creation of Man"​
I. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of Providence Outline"
II. Reading, Lecture (40), and Discussion: "Doctrine of Providence, Part 1", and "Providence, Part 1"
III. Reading, Lecture (41), and Discussion: "Doctrine of Providence, Part 2", and, "Providence, Part 2"
IV. Reading, Lecture (42), and Discussion: "Doctrine of Providence, Part 3", and "Providence, Part 3"
Government of Rational Creatures
I. Reading and Discussion: "Government of Rational Creatures Outline"
II. Reading, Lecture (43 & 44), and Discussion: "Doctrine of the Government of Rational Creatures", "God's Special Providence" and "The Covenant of Works, Part 1"
I. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of Angels Outline"
II. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of Angels"
The Fall
I. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of the Fall Outline"
II. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of the Fall"
Original Sin
I. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of Original Sin Outline"
II. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of Original Sin, Part 1"
III. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of Original Sin, Part 2"
Actual Sin
I. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of Actual Sin Outline"
II. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of Actual Sin"
Punishment of Sin
I. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of the Punishment of Sin Outline"
II. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of the Punishment of Sin"
God's Post-Fall Government
I. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of God's Post-Fall Government Outline"
II. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of God's Post-Fall Government"
Christ's Conception and Birth
I. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of Christ's Conception and Birth Outline"
II. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of Christ's Conception and Birth"
Causes of the Personal Union
I. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of the Causes of the Personal Union Outline"
II. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of the Causes of the Personal Union"
Effects of the Personal Union
I. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of the Effects of the Personal Union Outline"
II. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of the Effects of the Personal Union, Part 1"
III. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of the Effects of the Personal Union, Part 2"
Species of Christ's Office
I. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of the Species of Christ's Office Outline"
II. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of the Species of Christ's Office, Part 1"
III. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of the Species of Christ's Office, Part 2"
IV. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of the Species of Christ's Office, Part 3"
V. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of the Species of Christ's Office, Part 4"
Parts of Christ's Office
I. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of the Parts of Christ's Office Outline"
II. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of the Parts of Christ's Office, Part 1"
III. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of the Parts of Christ's Office, Part 2"
IV. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of the Parts of Christ's Office, Part 3"
Gospel Offer and Covenant of Grace
I. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of the Gospel Offer and Covenant of Grace Outline"
II. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of the Gospel Offer and Covenant of Grace"
Sacrifices and Sacraments
I. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of Sacrifices and Sacraments in General Outline"
II. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of Sacrifices and Sacraments in General, Part 1"
III. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of Sacrifices and Sacraments in General, Part 2"
The Old Offer under the Old Covenant
I. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of the Old Offer under the Old Testament Outline"
II. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of the Old Offer under the Old Testament, Part 1"
III. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of the Old Offer under the Old Testament, Part 2"
The Gospel and Baptism
I. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of the Gospel and Baptism Outline"
II. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of the Gospel and Baptism, Part 1"
III. Reading and Discussion: "Doctrine of the Gospel and Baptism, Part 2"

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Philippians 4:17: Not because I desire a gift: but I desire fruit that may abound to your account.