HOLY FATHERS: Ephrem, Theophylact.

REFORMED: Drusius, Grynæus, Junius,[1] Leusden, Mercerus, Œcolampadius, Willich, Wyss.[2] English: Abbot,[3] Baronis, Hooper,[4] King,[5] Stempænus.
LUTHERAN: Artopœus,[6] Brentius, Gerhard, Schnepff, Tarnovius, Ursinus, Phildius.
ROMAN CATHOLIC: Acosta, Carardus, Ferus, Fevardentius.
Let the Interpreters of the Books of the Old Testament, and of the Twelve Minor Prophets, be added.
[1] Lectiones in Ionam.
[2] David Wyss (1632-1700) was a Swiss Reformed theologian and educator. He served as Professor of Philosophy (1662-1669), of Hebrew and Catechetical Theology (1669-1676), and of Theology (1676-1700) at Bern.
[3] An exposition upon the prophet Ionah. George Abbot (1562-1633) was an Anglical theologian and churchman, serving as Archbishop of Canterbury from 1611 to 1633. He was a committed Calvinist, and one of the translators of the Authorized Version.
[4] An oversight, and deliberacion vpon the holy prophete Ionas. John Hooper (c. 1495-1555) was an Anglican churchman, Bishop of Gloucester and Worcester. He played an active part of the English Reformation under Edward VI, and was martyred under Mary.
[5] John King (died 1621) was an Anglican scholar and churchman, Bishop of London. He was a preacher of some renown, proclaiming the Calvinistic doctrines of grace, and assailing Romanism.
[6] Petrus Artopœus, or Peter Becker (1491-1563) was a German Lutheran theologian, reformer, and educator. He studied at Wittenberg under Luther and Melanchthon, and was a colleague of Osiander. In addition to a number of philological and theological works, he published commentaries on the Psalms, the Gospels, 1 Timothy, and Revelation.
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