The minor Prophets are called שנים עשר, the Twelve, by the Hebrews; תריסר, the Twelve, by the Chaldeans; δωδεκαπρόφητον, the Twelvefold Prophet, by the Greeks. Whether they were conjoined into one scroll, and by whom? 1. They are distinguished, both with respect to argument and manner of teaching, 2. And with respect to time, wherein they each prophesied. Their order, 3. The typical name of Hosea. Whence his origin? 4. The argument of the book, 5. Chronology. He was a σύγχρονος/contemporary and imitator of Isaiah. The Kings that were Hosea’s contemporaries, 6. The Parts of the Prophecy are two: I. Prophecies wrapped up in types, whereby both the corruption of the people, and the punishments imminent, and the promises thereupon, are set forth (Hosea 1-3). II. Simple Prophecies concerning the corruption of the Church, the judgments of God, a grace towards the Church (Hosea 4-12). A Synoptic Table of the book, and its Interpreters, ancient, Reformed, Lutheran, Roman Catholic, Hebrew, 7.
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