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Heidegger's Bible Handbook: Amos: Detailed Outline

Writer's picture: Dr. DildayDr. Dilday

4. The Parts of the Prophecy are three: I. Denunciation of the judgments of God against six nation, Syria, Philistia, Tyre, Edom, Ammon, and Moab (Amos 1:1-2:3). II. Denunciation of the judgments of God against the tribe of Judah and the ten tribes of Israel (Amos 2:4-9:10). III. An Evangelical Promise concerning the raising of the kingdom of David in Christ, and its blessing (Amos 9:11-15). A Synoptic Table of the book, and its Interpreters, Ancient, Reformed, Lutheran, Roman Catholic, Hebrew.

Now, the Prophet covers principally three things. First, the judgments of God against the nations (Amos 1:1-2:3). Second, the destruction of the people of Israel (Amos 2:4-9:10). Third, Evangelical promises concerning the Christ (Amos 9:11-15), which it is pleasing now to rehears ἀνὰ μέρος, by turns.

I. Denunciation of the judgments of God against six nations, Syria, Philistia, Tyre, Edom, Ammon, and Moab, Chapters 1:1-2:3. See:

1. After the title and an image wherein the roaring of Jehovah from Zion, and His utterance from Jerusalem, is indicated (verses 1, 2), judgment denounced (always with three, indeed four, defections added) against Damascus, or Syria (verses 3-5), Gaza, or Philistia (verses 6-8), Tyre (verses 9, 10), Edom (verses 11, 12), and Ammon (verses 13-15): chapter 1.

2. God’s judgment denounced against Moab (verses 1-3): chapter 2:1-3.

II. Denunciation of the judgments of God against the tribe of Judah and the ten tribes of Israel, Chapters 2:4-9:10. See:

1. A general denunciation: chapters 2:4-3:10: in which:

a. The Prophet of God threatens the tribe of Judah by name, with a fire about to consume her palaces (verses 4, 5), and the ten tribes, on account of various sins, betrayal of the just, oppression of the poor, incest, etc. (verses 6-8), and also contempt for Divine blessings (verses 9-12), with the most grievous and inescapable difficulties (verses 13-16): chapter 2:4-16.

b. He asserts the righteousness of the judgments of God against Israel, both in six comparisons, in two clear declarations, and again in one comparative, in opposition to the rationalizations of the Israelites (verses 1-8), and in an accusation of their stupor (verses 9, 10): chapter 3:1-10.

2. A particular denunciation made:

a. Of Samaria, to which a deportation beyond Damascus is foretold: chapter 3:11-5:27. See:

α. The breadth and severity of the punishment of Samaria mentioned above: chapter 3:11-15.

β. The causes of the same punishment, Epicureanism and idolatry (verses 1-5), and also obstinacy under the preceding hardships (verses 6-11): chapter 4:1-11.

γ. The calling of the same to repentance, with reasons produced:

א. From the dignity of God, the creator and preserver of all (verses 12, 13): chapter 4:12, 13.

ב. From the lamentation of the Prophet on account of the fall of virgin Israel (verses 1-3), the life promised to those seeking God (verse 4), the vanity of idolatry and ruin (verses 5-9), in which is also a lamentation on account of the hatred of the people towards the Prophets and various defections (verses 10-13), and then a new invitation to repentance (verses 14, 15), a call to weeping (verses 16, 17), and a refutation of vain thoughts concerning the anticipated day of the Lord (verses 18-20), and of confidence in sacrifices (verses 21-27): chapter 5.

b. Of Jerusalem and the ten tribes combined: chapters 6:1-9:10. See:

α. A review of the sins of the nobles of the people, security, luxury in beds, song, and wine, and the neglect of the affliction of Joseph (verses 1-6), on account of which he threatens the tribe of Judah with immanent evils (verses 7-11), and also the ten tribes on account of the foolishness of presumption and trust in the flesh (verses 12-14): chapter 6.

β. An evident sign preceding the execution of judgment, namely, the destruction of the kingdom in the ten tribes, with God for the present sparing Jacob on account of smallness (verses 1-9): chapter 7:1-9.

γ. The foretold order of execution, in which see:

א. The exile of the ten tribes, which the Prophet foretells to them, with Amaziah forbidding in vain (verses 10-17): chapter 7:10-17.

ב. The Babylonian Captivity of the tribe of Judah, figured by the type of a basket of summer fruit (verses 1-3): chapter 8:1-3.

δ. The final destruction of the Jewish Republic. See:

א. The causes of the destruction, the persecution of the poor, contempt of the Sabbath and feast days, the study of carnal thing, magnified by the oath of God Himself (verses 4-8): chapter 8:4-8.

ב. Denunciation of judgment:

אא. The darkening of the sun, the change of feasts into mourning, famine and thirst of the Divine word, shaking from sea to sea, a fall (verses 9-14): chapter 8:9-14.

בב. The destruction of the Temple, under the type of a striking of th lintel, and also of their polity (verses 1-5): chapter 9:1-5.

ג. The justice of that judgment asserted, as inflicted by Jehovah, even upon those that are no more the children of God than the Ethiopians: and inflicted without loss of the house of Jacob or of believers, shaken after the likeness of a sieve, yet in such a way that no even pebble might fall to the earth (verses 6-10): chapter 9:6-10.

III. An Evangelical Promise concerning the erection of the Kingdom of David in Christ, and its blessing, Chapter 9:11-15.

In which is promised both the erection of the tabernacle of David, and blessing in Christ, namely, the inheritance of the nations, abundance of the word of righteousness, constant restoration and vindication of the Church (verses 9-15): chapter 9:11-15.

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