David subdueth the Philistines and the Moabites; smiteth the king of Zobah, and the Syrians; placeth a garrison in Damascus, 1-8. Toi sendeth Joram with presents to bless him; which with the spoil he dedicateth to God, 8-13: smiteth the Edomites, and placeth a garrison in their land, 14. David’s government and officers, 15-18.
Jonathan Edwards' History of Redemption: 'It was by David that God first gave his people Israel the possession of the whole promised land. I have before shown, how God giving possession of the promised land belonged to the covenant of grace. This was done in a great measure by Joshua, but not fully. Joshua did not wholly subdue that part of the promised land that was strictly called the land of Canaan, and that was divided by lot to the several tribes; but there were great numbers of the old inhabitants left unsubdued, as we read in the books of Joshua and Judges; and there were many left to prove Israel, and to be as thorns in their sides. Ther…
Matthew Henry: 'David having sought first the kingdom of God and the righteousness thereof, settling the ark as soon as he was himself well settled, we are here told how all other things were added to him. Here is an account, I. Of his conquests. He triumphed, 1. Over the Philistines, verse 1. 2. Over the Moabites, verses 2. 3. Over the king of Zobah, verses 3-4. 4. Over the Syrians, verses 5-8, 13. 5. Over the Edomites, verse 14. II. Of the presents that were brought him and the wealth he got from the nations he subdued, which he dedicated to God, verses 9-12. III. Of his court, the administration of his government (verse 15), and his chief officers…
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