Ish-bosheth and his party are astonished at Abner’s death, 1. Two captains murder Ish-bosheth, and bring his head to David, 2-8; who caused them to be put to death, and hanged up; and Ish-bosheth’s head to be buried, 9-12.
Matthew Henry: 'When Abner was slain David was at a loss for a friend to perfect the reduction of those tribes that were yet in Ish-bosheth's interest. Which way to adopt for the accomplishment of it he could not tell; but here Providence brings it about by the removal of Ish-bosheth. I. Two of his own servants slew him, and brought his head to David, verses 1-8. II. David, instead of rewarding them, put them to death for what they had done, verses 9-12.'
Matthew Henry: 'When Abner was slain David was at a loss for a friend to perfect the reduction of those tribes that were yet in Ish-bosheth's interest. Which way to adopt for the accomplishment of it he could not tell; but here Providence brings it about by the removal of Ish-bosheth. I. Two of his own servants slew him, and brought his head to David, verses 1-8. II. David, instead of rewarding them, put them to death for what they had done, verses 9-12.'
Study 2 Samuel with the Illustrious Matthew Poole!