David sendeth messengers to comfort the king of the Ammonites: he abuseth them, 1-5. The Ammonites and Syrians prepare to fight against the Israelites; and are overcome by Joab and Abishai, 6-14. They renewing their forces, are again conquered by David, 15-19.
Thomas Boston's Doctrines of the Christian Religion: 'As to you the people, I would exhort you to make conscience of your duty towards your officers. Alas! for the little conscience that is made of that among us. I am sure we may find matter of mourning this day in that matter.
Instead of honouring them, many despise and pour contempt on them, more than otherwise they would do; thus vilely treating their sacred office.
Instead of submission and obedience, what refractoriness and spurning of discipline for scandalous offences! Some cannot endure to be told of their faults; but if we admonish or reprove them, even privately, they are made worse instead of better; and rather than take a reproof, they…
Matthew Henry: 'This chapter gives us an account of a war David has with the Ammonites and the Syrians their allies, with the occasion and success of it. I. David sent a friendly embassy to Hanun king of the Ammonites, ver. 1-2. II. He, upon a base surmise that it was ill intended, abused David's ambassadors, ver. 3-4. III. David resenting it (ver. 5), and the Ammonites prepared for war against him, ver. 6. IV. David carried the war into their country, sent against them. Joab and Abishai, who addressed themselves to the battle with a great deal of conduct and bravery, ver. 7-12. V. The Ammonites, and the Syrians their allies, were totally routed, ver. 13-14. VI. The force…
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