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Poole's Outline of 1 Samuel 22: Doeg's Slaughter of the Priests

David cometh to Adullam, where companies resort to him, 1, 2. He goeth to Mizpeh, and commendeth his parents to the king of Moab, 3, 4. Admonished by Gad, he returneth to Judah: Saul pursueth him; complaineth of his servants’ unfaithfulness, 5-8. Doeg accuseth Ahimelech: Saul sentenceth him, the high priest, and the rest of the priests, to die: Doeg slayeth eighty-five priests: the city Nob and all in it is laid waste; only Abiathar the priest remained alive fleeing to David, 9-21. David acknowledgeth himself to be the cause hereof, 22, 23.


Dr. Dilday
Dr. Dilday
Apr 20, 2023

Matthew Henry: 'David, being driven from Achish, returns into the land of Israel to be hunted by Saul. I. David sets up his standard in the cave of Adullam, entertains his relations (verse 1), enlists soldiers (verse 2), but removes his aged parents to a more quiet settlement (verses 3-4), and has the prophet Gad for his counsellor, verse 5. Saul resolves to pursue him and find him out, complains of his servants and Jonathan (verses 6-8), and, finding by Doeg's information that Ahimelech had been kind to David, he ordered him and all the priests that were with him, eighty-five in all, to be put to death, and all that belonged to them destroyed (verses 9-19) from the barbarou…


Dr. Dilday
Dr. Dilday
Apr 20, 2023

Study 1 Samuel in detail with the Illustrious Matthew Poole!

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