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Writer's pictureDr. Dilday

Poole's Outline of 1 Samuel 18: Saul's Jealousy Rising

Jonathan loveth David; they covenant together, 1-4. Saul envieth David’s praise; in his fury seeketh to kill him, 5-11: is afraid of him; and removeth him: he is loved by the people, 12-16. Saul offereth David his daughters; first Merab, who is given to Adriel; then Michal, who loveth David, 17-20. Saul demandeth one hundred foreskins of the Philistines for a dowry: David promiseth; delivereth double the number; obtaineth Michal, 21-27. Saul’s fear and hatred, and David’s glory, increaseth, 28-30.

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Dr. Dilday
Dr. Dilday
18 nov 2022

Thomas Brooks' "The Privy Key of Heaven": 'Fifthly, Love Christ with a more inflamed love. Oh strengthen your love to Christ, and your love to closet-duties. Lovers love much to be alone, to be in a corner together, Song of Songs 7:10-12. Certainly the more any man loves the Lord Jesus, the more he will delight to be with Christ in a corner. There was a great deal of love between Jonathan and David, 1 Samuel 18, and according to their love, so was their private converse, their secret communion one with another; they were always best when in the field together, or when in a corner together, or when behind the door together, or when locked up together; an…

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Dr. Dilday
Dr. Dilday
18 nov 2022

Thomas Brooks' "The End of Time": 'When the Messias appeared, there were great hopes among the believing Jews of a glorious time for Israel; and these were not vain, but they suddenly met with a shock; the Messias was crucified, dead, and buried; that made some of them like to loose all their hopes. Hence said the two disciples that were going to Emmaus, Luke 24:21, "We trusted that it had been he which should have redeemed Israel." This is a very ordinary piece of the divine conduct, the mystery of God, first, as it were, to pass the sentence of death on a promised mercy, to bury and lay the gravestone on it, and then to raise it up…

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Dr. Dilday
Dr. Dilday
18 nov 2022

Matthew Henry: 'In the course of the foregoing chapter we left David in triumph; now in this chapter we have, I. The improvement of his triumphs; he soon became, 1. Saul's constant attendant, verse 2. 2. Jonathan's covenant friend, verses 1, 3-4. 3. The darling of his country, verses 5, 7, 16. II. The allays of his triumphs. This is the vanity that accompanies even a right work, that "for it a man is envied," Ecclesiastes 4:4. So David was by Saul. 1. He hated him, and sought to kill him himself, verses 8-11. 2. He feared him, and contrived how he might have some mischief done him, verses 12-17. He proposed to marry his daughter to him; but, [1.…

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Dr. Dilday
Dr. Dilday
18 nov 2022

Study 1 Samuel in detail with the Illustrious Matthew Poole!

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