Samuel is sent by God; who, under pretence of a sacrifice for fear of Saul, cometh to Bethlehem; sanctifieth Jesse and his sons, 1-5. His human judgment in choosing Eliab the eldest son is reproved, 6, 7. God had chosen David the youngest to be king in Saul’s place, 8-12. Samuel anointeth him, and the Spirit of God cometh upon him; but departeth from Saul, and an evil spirit cometh on him, 13, 14. He sends for David to quiet it: his praise: Saul loveth him, and maketh him his armourbearer: he playeth before Saul when the evil spirit disquieted him, 15-23.
John Brown of Haddington's Systematic Theology: 'Christ, in his manhood, ascended to heaven.—Not only had the translations of Enoch and Elias to heaven, soul and body,—the exaltations of Joseph, Moses, Joshua, David, and Daniel, after their trouble and danger,—and the priests' placing the ceremonial ark in the most holy apartment of the tabernacle or temple,—and their carrying the blood and incense into the sanctuary or Holy of Holies, prefigured it;—and the prophets foretold it. But, His disciples saw him ascend to heaven...'
Matthew Henry: 'At this chapter begins the story of David, one that makes as great a figure in the sacred story as almost any of the worthies of the Old Testament, one that both with his sword and with his pen served the honour of God and the interests of Israel as much as most ever did, and was as illustrious a type of Christ. Here I. Samuel is appointed and commissioned to anoint a king among the sons of Jesse at Bethlehem, verses 1-5. II. All his elder sons are passed by and David the youngest is pitched upon and anointed, verses 6-13. III. Saul growing melancholy, David is pitched upon to relieve him by music, verses 14-23. Thu…
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