Gideon with two and thirty thousand men encamps against the Midianites; they, by God’s command and token, are lessened to three hundred, 1-8. He is encouraged by a dream, and its interpretation, 9-15; divideth his army companies; who all with one accord blow the trumpets, and break the pitchers, wherein the lamps were, in pieces, 16-20. The Midianites are terrified, flee and destroy one another, 21, 22. The next adjoining Israelites pursue them to stop their passage over Jordan: two princes of the Midianites are taken by the Ephraimites, 23-25.
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Matthew Henry: 'This chapter presents us with Gideon in the field, commanding the army of Israel, and routing the army of the Midianites, for which great exploit we found in the former chapter how he was prepared by his converse with God and his conquest of Baal. We are here told, I. What direction God gave to Gideon for the modelling of his army, by which it was reduced to 300 men, verses 1-8. II. What encouragement God gave to Gideon to attack the enemy, by sending him secretly into their camp to hear a Midianite tell his dream, verses 9-15. III. How he formed his attack upon the enemy's camp with his 300 men, not to fight them, bu…