Those of the tribe of Dan, having not sufficient inheritance, send forth five men to spy out a place; they come to the house of Micah, and desire the Levite to ask counsel of God touching their journey, 1-5. He encouraging them, they spy out the city Laish; and at their return instigate their brethren to set upon the city, 6-10. Six hundred go forth armed: in their march they seize upon Micah’s priest and idols; which he in vain, demandeth again, 11-25. They pull down Laish; build it again; inhabit it; and call it Dan, 26-29; consecrate their priest, and set up Micah’s images, 30, 31.
Really good quotes today, especially the Boston one.
George Swinnock's The Beauty of Magistracy: 'Take away government, and what would nations be but dens of devils, and cages of unclean birds? We see how wickedness abounds though we have magistrates to restrain it; but oh, the abominations that would be in the world if there were no government! What idolatry, witchcraft, blasphemy, heresy, murder, theft, atheism, barbarism, routs and riots, cruelty and villany would overflow in all places! When there was no king in Israel, then every man's lust was a law, and they fell to idolatry, uncleanness and much wickedness, as appears, Judges 17:6, and Judges 18 ult., and Judges19:1; hence the taking away of the judge and the prophet is reckoned as a sore judgment, an…
Thomas Boston's Man's Fourfold State: 'Consider, what necessity often appears of amending old laws, and making new ones; which have their rise from new crimes, of which man's nature is very fruitful. There would be no need of mending the hedge, if men were not, like unruly beasts, still breaking it down. It is astonishing to see what a figure the Israelites, who were separated unto God from among all the nations of the earth, make in their history; what horrible confusions were among them, when there was no king in Israel, as you may see from Judges 18-21: how hard it was to reform them, when they had the best of magistrates! and how quickly they turned aside again…
Matthew Henry: 'How idolatry crept into the family of Micah we read in the preceding chapter, how it was translated thence into the tribe of Dan we have an account in this chapter, and how it gained a settlement in a city of note; for how great a matter does a little fire kindle! The tribe of Dan had their lot assigned them last of all the tribes, and, it happening to be too strait for them, a considerable city in the utmost corner of Canaan northward was added to it. "Let them get it, and take it;" it was called Laish or Leshem, Joshua 19:47. Now here we are told, I. How they sent spies to bring them a…