4. To Christ were formerly ascribed some books to Peter and Paul.

That some witless men formerly circulated some books of Christ to Peter and Paul, containing those arts whereby they wrought their miracles, Saint Augustine bears witness, de Consensu Evangelistarum, book I, chapter 9; and he rightfully charges them with falsehood most foul. And everyone today classifies those books with the rubbish and blasphemies of the heretics.
De Moor's Didactico-Elenctic Theology, volume 2: 'Of similar chaff are the BOOKS WRITTEN BY CHRIST TO PETER AND PAUL, as they are indicated in the epistolary title, and which books purport to contain the magical arts by which the Lord was wont to accomplish His miracles. AUGUSTINE mentions books of this sort read by some according to narration of those; but at the same time he ridicules and cries them down, de Consensu Euangelistarum, book I, chapters IX-XI, opera, tome 3, part 2, column 6. Concerning these and similar books and writings ascribed to Christ, see also FABRICIUS’ Codicem apocryphum Novi Testamenti, part I, page 303 and following.'
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