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Heidegger's Bible Handbook: John: Interpreters

HOLY FATHERS: Anselm, Basil, Cyril of Alexandria,[1] Rupertus, Zacharias Chrysopolitanus.

REFORMED: Cameron, Curio, Frizius, Gomarus,[2] Heinsius,[3] Musculus,[4] Œcolampadius,[5] Pezel,[6] Ursinus,[7] Zepper.[8] English: Hutcheson,[9] Rollock,[10] Traheron.[11]

LUTHERAN: Brentius,[12] Bugenhagen, Chytræus, Cruciger,[13] Glassius, Hemmingius,[14] Hunnius,[15] Luther, Melanchthon,[16] Mentzer, Mylius,[17] Pelargus,[18] Selnecker, Tarnovius,[19] Wigand,[20] Winpim.


ROMAN CATHOLIC: Alesius,[21] Arcularius,[22] Capponus a Porrecta,[23] Corderius,[24] Ferus,[25] Guilliaud,[26] Hofmeister, Mussæus, Osorius,[27] de Palatio,[28] Pererius,[29] Porretanus, Ribera,[30] Rupertus, Titelmans,[31] Toletus,[32] Villagadus, Albinus, Victorinus, Thomas, Bonaventure, Richard of Middleton, Cajetan, Jansen, Servius, Baradius.

ADD the Interpreters of the Books of the New Testament, and also of the four Evangelists above.

[1] Commentary on the Gospel of John. [2] Selectorum Euangelii Johannis locorum illustratio. [3] Sacræ Exercitationes ad Novum Testamentum. [4] Commentarii in Evangelium Ioannis. [5] Annotationes Piæ ac Doctæ in Evangelium Joannis. [6] Christoph Pezel (1539-1604) was educated in the Lutheran context of the universities of Jena and Wittenberg. In the internecine conflicts within the Lutheran Church, he sided with the Philippists, and was ultimately banished. Having already embraced the Swiss Reformed view of the Lord’s Supper, he moved from Melanchthon’s synergism to a fully Reformed view of the doctrines of grace, and introduced the Reformed confession to Nassau-Dillenburg and Bremen as a pastor and educator. He wrote Enarrationem priorum capitum Evangelii Joannis. [7] Zacharias Ursinus (1534-1583) was a German Reformed theologian. He was a leader of the Reformation in the Palatinate, and served at the University of Heidelberg. He was involved in the composition of the Heidelberg Catechism. [8] Sylva Homiliarum in Textus ex Quatuor Evangelistis Dominicales. Wilhelm Zepper (1550-1607) was a Reformed theologian; he served as court preacher and professor at Herborn. His Politia Ecclesiastica: Sive Forma, ac Ratio Administrandi, et Gubernandi Regni Christi, quod est Ecclesia in his terris was heavily influential in the development of Reformed ecclesiology and ecclesiastical practice. [9] George Hutcheson (1618-1674) was a Scottish Presbyterian divine, who wrote commentaries on the Minor Prophets, Job, and the Gospel of John. [10] In Evangelium Domini nostri Jesu Christi secundum sanctum Johannem. Robert Rollock (c. 1555-1599) was a Scottish theologian and scholar, serving as the first principal of the University of Edinburgh and Professor of Theology. In addition to his commentary on John, he wrote commentaries on Daniel, select Psalms, and most of the Epistles of Paul. [11] Bartholomew Traheron (c. 1510-c. 1558) was an English Protestant and Marian exile. At Frankfurt, he sided with Richard Cox against John Knox in the controversy over the Book of Common Prayer. [12] Evangelion, quod inscribitur, secundum Joannem. [13] Enarratio in Evangelium Johannis. [14] Commentariorum in sacrosanctum domini nostri Iesu Christi evangelium secundum Iohannem. [15] Commentarius in Evangelium de Jesu Christo secundum Joannem. [16] Annotationes in Johannem. [17] Commentarius in Evangelium Johannis. Georg Mylius (1548-1607) was a German Lutheran churchman and theologian, serving as Professor of Theology at Wittenberg (1585-1589), at Jena (1589-1593), and again at Wittenberg (1603-1607). [18] In sacrosanctam Sancti Johannis Apostoli et Evangelistæ Historiam Evangelicam Commentarius. [19] In sancti Johannis evangelium commentarius. Paul Tarnow (1562-1633) was a German Lutheran theologian and educator. He served as Professor of Theology at Rostock (1604-1633). [20] In Ioannem Evangelistam explicationes. Johann Wigand (c. 1523-1587) was a German Lutheran theologian, churchman, and reformer, serving as Professor of Theology at Jena (1560-1562, 1568-1573). He studied under Luther and Melanchthon, and was a principal contributor to the Magdeburg Centuries. [21] Commentarius in Evangelium Joannis. Alexander Alesius (1500-1565) was a Scottish theologian. He was reared in Roman Catholicism, studying Scholastic Theology at St. Andrews, and serving as canon of the collegiate church. Patrick Hamiliton’s witness and martyrdom moved Alesius to embrace the Reformation. He was forced to flee, and in Wittenberg he signed the Augsburg Confession. He held a variety of academic posts in England and Germany. [22] Commentarius in Joannem. Daniel Arcularius (1540-1596) was a Lutheran theologian, serving as Professor of Theology at Marburg (1570-1596). [23] Otherwise known as Serafino Capponi. He wrote a commentary on the Gospel of John. [24] Catena Patrum græcorum in Sanctum Joannem. [25] In Sacrosanctum Iesu Christi Domini Nostri Evangelium secundum Ioannem. [26] In Sacrosanctum Iesu Christi Euangelium secundum Ioannem enarrationes. Claude Guilliaus (1493-1551) was a Doctor of Theology and Professor at the Sorbonne. [27] In Evangelium Joannis. Jerónimo Osório da Fonseca (1506-1580) was a Portuguese Roman Catholic humanist and bishop. [28] Enarrationes in Sanctum Jesu Christi Evangelium secundum Joannem. Miguel de Palacio (c. 1525-1593) served as Professor of Theology at Salamanca (1550-1555). [29] Benedictus Pererius (1535-1610) was a Spanish Jesuit theologian and commentator. He wrote Selectas disputationes in sacram scripturam…in Euangelium Beati Ioannis. He also wrote extensively on Genesis, Exodus, Daniel, Romans, and Revelation. [30] Francis Ribera (1537-1591) was a Spanish Jesuit scholar, most remembered for his commentary on Revelation (In Sacrum Beati Ioannis Apostoli et Evangelistiæ Apocalypsin Commentarii) in which he advances the Futurist scheme of interpretation. [31] Elucidatio paraphrastica in evangelium secundum Johannem. [32] In Sacrosanctum Ioannis Euangelium commentarii.


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