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Heidegger's Bible Handbook: Isaiah: Time of Writing

5. An account of the time in which he prophesied is elicited. He is latter than Elijah, Elisha, and Jonah; a σύγχρονοὶ/contemporary with Hosea, Micah, Joel, and Amos.

With respect to a reckoning of the time, that Isaiah prophesied under four Kings, Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, Isaiah 1:1. Therefore, he was after both Elijah and Elisha, who prophesied under Jehoshaphat and Ahab: and after Jonah, who prophesied under Jeroboam II. But he had some as σύγχρονοὶ/contemporary, who prophesied before him, while Jeroboam II was still living, and with him after his death under Uzziah; Hosea and Amos, for example: others, who prophesied with him after Uzziah, like Micah. Now, that Isaiah prophesied for quite a long time, is evident from this, that, as we have shown above, Uzziah ruled for fifty-two years, Jotham for fifteen, Ahaz for fourteen, and Hezekiah for twenty-nine. Yet concerning the precise timeframe of the prophecy nothing is able to be affirmed, because how much time he passed under Uzziah and Hezekiah is nowhere revealed.

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