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Heidegger's Bible Handbook: Hebrews: Interpreters

Writer's picture: Dr. DildayDr. Dilday

HOLY FATHERS: Constantinus Presbyter.[1]

John Owen

REFORMED: Gomarus, Johann Jakob Grynæus, Heidegger, Naum, Œcolampadius, Pareus, Perkins, Scultetus, Spanheim, Zwingli, Braun,[2] Calvin, Cameron, Junius, Meztrezatius, Groenewegen,[3] Jacob Alting, Akersloot, Creighton, Hoeke,[4] Nemethi,[5] Wittich.[6] English: Dickson, Gouge,[7] Jones, Lawson,[8] Lushington, Owen,[9] Rollock, Dering.[10]

LUTHERAN: Gerhard, Grawer,[11] Hegendorff, Leyser, Lucas Osiander, Quistorpius, Mejenreis.

ROMAN CATHOLIC: Croquetius, Delphini,[12] Deringus, Le Grand,[13] de Palatio, Ribera, Stevartius, Tena,[14] Vazquez, Sasbout.

ADD the Interpreters of all the Books of the New Testament, and also of the Pauline Epistles, above.

[1] Constantinus (flourished c. 400) was a presbyter of the metropolitan church of Antioch. He was to succeed Flavianus as bishop, but a rival secured his banishment. In exile, Constantinus edited Chrysostom’s homilies on Hebrews. [2] Johannes Braun (1628-1708) was a Reformed theologian. He served as Professor of Theology at Groningen (1680-1708). [3] Henricus Goenewegen (1640-1692) was a Dutch Reformed theologian and pastor. [4] Petrus van Hoeke (1660-1711) was a Dutch Reformed minister. In addition to his commentary on Hebrews, he also wrote on Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. [5] Samuel Nemethi (1658-1717), a Reformed theologian, served as a Professor in Kolozsvar, Transylvania. In addition to his commentary on Hebrews, he also wrote on Zechariah, Jude, and the ceremonial law of Moses. [6] Christoph Wittich (1625-1687) was a Dutch Theologian and Cartesian. He served as Professor of Theology at Duisburg (1653-1654), Nijmegen (1655-1671), and Leiden (1671-1687). Wittich wrote on many passages of Scripture, including complete commentaries on Romans and Hebrews. [7] William Gouge (1575-1653) was a learned Puritan divine. He was one of the Assembly of Divines at Westminster. He wrote A Learned and very Useful Commentary on the Whole Epistle to the Hebrews. The last portion of it was completed by his son, Thomas, after his death. He also contributed the English Annotations on 1 and 2 Kings, 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, and Job. [8] George Lawson (1598-1678) was an English divine, and author of Politica Sacra et Civilis, as well as An Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews. His religious views tended toward Arminianism, but he worked within the Presbyterian system during the Commonwealth and supported Parliament. [9] John Owen (1616-1683) sided with the Parliament during the Civil War. However, he did not embrace the Presbyterianism of the Westminster Assembly, preferring Independency. He won the esteem of Oliver Cromwell, and Cromwell made him Dean of Christ Church, Oxford (1651) and then Vice-chancellor (1652). He lost the deanery at the Restoration. After the Restoration, Owen would suffer the vicissitudes that accompanied his convictions, but his was the most persuasive and respected voice for Independency and toleration. He wrote Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews. [10] Edward Dering (c. 1540-1576) was an English churchman and scholar. Although not a nonconformist, he was a supporter of Thomas Cartwright and reform efforts. Before his untimely death, he lectured through the first six chapters of Hebrews. [11] Albert Grawer (1575-1617) was a German Lutheran theologian and churchman. He served as Professor of Theology at Jena (1611-1616). In addition to his work on Hebrews, he wrote a commentary on Micah. [12] Giovanni Antonio Dolphini (1506-1561) was an Italian Franciscan theologian. He served his Order as Vicar General and as delegate to the Council of Trent. In addition to his commentary on Hebrews, he also wrote on the Gospel of John. [13] Nicolas Le Grand (died 1560) was a Franciscan theologian and delegate to the Council of Trent. He commented on both Romans and Hebrews. [14] Ludovicus Tena (died 1622) was a Spanish bishop and Professor of Theology at Alcala. He wrote Commentarius et Disputationes in Epistolam ad Hebræos.

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Dr. Dilday
Dr. Dilday
Nov 12, 2021

Dr. Steven Dilday holds a BA in Religion and Philosophy from Campbell University, a Master of Arts in Religion from Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia), and both a Master of Divinity and a  Ph.D. in Puritan History and Literature from Whitefield Theological Seminary.  He is also the translator of Matthew Poole's Synopsis of Biblical Interpreters and Bernardinus De Moor’s Didactico-Elenctic Theology.




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