REFORMED: Gallasius,[1] Leo Jud,[2] Ravensperger,[3] Rivet,[4] Simmler,[5] Zwingli.[6] English: Arthur Lake,[7] Cartwright,[8] Willet,[9] Strack, Handfeld, Lightfoot,[10] Boot.
[1] In Exodum. Nicolas des Gallars (c. 1520-1581) was a Genevan minister and theologian. In addition to his commentary on Exodus, he wrote several works, including an edition of Irenæus.
[2] In Exodum. Leo Jud (1482-1542) was a co-laborer of Ulrich Zwingli during the time of the Swiss Reformation. His translation work might be his most important contribution to the reformation of Zurich. He labored with other divines to produce a vernacular version for the Swiss people, and he produced a Latin version of the Old Testament.
[3] Herman Ravensperger (1586-1625) was a German Reformed theologian. He served as Professor of Theology at Steinfurt (1612-1614) and at Groningen (1614-1625).
[4] Commentarii in librum secundum Mosis, qui Exodus apud Graecos inscribitur.
[5] In Exodum vel secundum librum Mosis Iosiæ Simleri. Josias Simmler (1530-1576) was a Swiss reformer, pastor, theologian, and classicist. He served as Professor of Theology at Zurich’s Carolinum Academy (1560-1576).
[6] In Exodum Alia Farraginis Annotationum particula.
[7] Arthur Lake (1567-1626) was Bishop of Bath and Wells and a translator of the King James Bible. Ten of Lake’s sermons on Exodus 19 were published.
[8] Electa Thargumico-Rabbinica sive Annotationes in Exodum.
[9] Hexapla in Exodum.
[10] An handfull of gleanings out of the Book of Exodus.