REFORMED: Amyraut, Ludwig Crocius, Megander, Musculus, Naum, Olevian, Scultetus, Zanchi, Zwingli, Melchior,[1] Knibbe.[2] English: Baynes,[3] Boyd,[4] Ferguson, Ridley,[5] Rollock, Binemannus.
ROMAN CATHOLIC: Naclantus, Quiros,[9] Stevartius, Vazquez.
ADD the Interpreters of all the Books of the New Testament, and also of the Pauline Epistles, above.
[1] Johannes Melchior (1646-1689) was a German Reformed pastor, educator, and theologian, serving as Professor of Theology at Herborn (1682-1689). He is remembered for his “Children’s Bible”. [2] David Knibbe (1639-1701) was a Dutch Reformed pastor and theologian. [3] Paul Baynes (c. 1573-1617) was an English Puritan, best known for his massive commentary on Ephesians. Although he lost his position as Fellow at Christ’s College, Cambridge, in 1608 for non-conformity, he succeeded William Perkins as lecturer at the church of St. Andrew the Great in Cambridge, over against Christ’s College. As a student of Perkins, and teacher of Sibbes, Baynes’ position in the Puritan movement is significant. [4] Robert Boyd of Trochrig (1578-1627) was a Scottish Presbyterian pastor and theologian, teaching philosophy and theology in France (Montauban and Saumur) and in Scotland (Glasgow and Edinburgh). [5] Lancelot Ridley (died 1576) was an English Protestant churchman, ministering during the tumultuous years from Henry VIII to Elizabeth. He served as one of the Six Preacher of Canterbury Cathedral, and wrote commentaries on Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Jude. [6] Meno Hanneken (1595-1671) was a German Lutheran theologian, serving as Professor of Ethics (1626-1627), and then as Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew (1627-1646), at Marburg. He was a stalwart proponent of Lutheran Orthodoxy, and opponent of Pietism. [7] Johannes Meelfuhrer (1570-1640) was a German Lutheran churchman, educator, philologist, and theologian. In addition to his commentary on Ephesians, he produced a work on Philippians. [8]Hieronymus Weller (1499-1572) was a German theologian, educator, and reformer, a close associate of both Luther and Melanchthon. In addition to works on isolated Biblical texts, he wrote extensively on Samuel, Job, Ephesians, and Philippians. [9] Agustin de Quios (1567-1622) was a Spanish Jesuit.
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