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Heidegger's Bible Handbook: 2 John: Detailed Outline

5. It has three parts: I. A Preface (2 John 1-3). II. The Discussion, that is, congratulations concerning the acknowledgment of the truth, and an exhortation to constancy (2 John 4-11). III. An Epilogue (2 John 12, 13). Interpreters of the Epistle, Ancient, Reformed, Lutheran, Roman Catholic; and also a Synoptic Table.

The Epistle has three parts: first, a Preface (2 John 1-3); second, the discussion, that is, congratulations concerning the acknowledgement of the truth, and an exhortation to constancy (2 John 4-11); third, an Epilogue (2 John 12, 13).

I. The Preface of the Epistle, verses 1-3.

The elder, for the elect Lady and her children, especially beloved on account of the acknowledgement of the truth (verses 1, 2), gives thanks to God (verse 3): verses 1-3.

II. The discussion, that is, congratulations concerning the acknowledgement of the truth, and an exhortation to constancy, verses 4-11.

He rejoices over the children walking in the truth, according to the precept, not new, but old, commanding love (verses 5, 6), warning them to beward of seducers, not confessing Jesus Christ to have come in the flesh (verses 7, 8), and against all transgressors pronouncing that they know not God (verse 9), and instructing that they speak not greetings to those bringing another doctrine (verses 10-11): verses 4-11.

III. An Epilogue, verses 12, 13.

Promising his coming (verse 12), he greets the children of her elect sister (verse 13): verses 12, 13.


Dr. Dilday
Dr. Dilday
Feb 17, 2022

Dr. Dilday's Sermon: "The Express Image of His Person"

1) Analysis

a) Outline:

i) Truth and love in the life of the Church (vs. 4-6)

ii) Threats to truth and love in the life of the Church (vs. 7-11)

b) Verse 9

2) Doctrine: Christ is the express image of His Father’s person.

a) The oneness of Father and Son

WCF 2:3: In the unity of the Godhead there be three persons, of one substance, power, and eternity; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. The Father is of none, neither begotten nor proceeding; the Son is eternally begotten of the Father; the Holy Ghost eternally proceeding from the Father and the Son.

WLC 7:…


Dr. Dilday
Dr. Dilday
Feb 17, 2022

Dr. Dilday's Sermon: "Protecting the Work:

1) Introduction

2) Analysis

a) Outline:

i) Truth and love in the life of the Church (vs. 4-6)

ii) Threats to truth and love in the life of the Church (vs. 7-11)

b) Verse 7

c) Verse 8

i) The exhortation

ii) Motivation

3) Use: Let us look well to ourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought.

a) The right of spiritual self-defense

b) The duty of spiritual self-defense


Dr. Dilday
Dr. Dilday
Feb 17, 2022
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