The Author of the Epistle is Saint John, Apostle of Christ. For what reason was his name not prefixed? The rash assertion of Baronius concerning the lost preface of the Epistle, 1. It was intended, not for an individual person, but for believing Jews, or rather a Church composed of Jews and Gentiles. The passage in 1 John 2:1, 2 is explained, 2. The assertion of Baronius and Grotius, that it was formerly inscribed to Parthians, is touched upon, 3. The occasion of the Epistle, 4. The argument of the same. It is a compendium of Christian Doctrine, bearing witness to preceding Scriptures, 5. It appears to have been written quite late, after most of the New Testament books, 6. The Epistle has two parts: I. Concerning faith in Christ, and the Antichrist opposed to Him. II. Concerning true piety and charity, and the love of the world opposed to them. Which things are scattered through the five Chapters. Interpreters of the Epistle, Ancient, Reformed, Lutheran, Roman Catholic; and also a Synoptic Table, 7.
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