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Writer's pictureDr. Dilday

Exodus 4 Outline: Moses Sent on Mission

Moses’s objection, 1. The answer, 2. God turns his rod into a serpent, 3-5. He adds another sign, 6-8. And lest they would not believe, water is turned into blood, 9. Moses’s objection, 10. God argues with him, 11. God’s command and promise, 12. Moses’s answer, 13. God is angry, and enjoins Aaron to the same employment, 14; tells what Aaron should be, and what Moses should do, 15-17. Moses returning to Jethro, craves leave to go to Egypt to see his brethren: Jethro’s grant, 18. Moses having taken the rod of God, departs with his wife and children into Egypt, 20. God tells him what he should say to Pharaoh, 22, 23. God seeketh to kill Moses, 24. Zipporah with a sharp knife cuts off her son’s foreskin and what she said, 25, 26. God commands Aaron to meet Moses, 27. Moses declares to Aaron both what he had heard and seen, 28. They gather together the elders of Israel, 29; and Aaron speaks all the words and does all the signs which God commanded, 30. The people believe, 31.

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Dr. Dilday
Dr. Dilday
Jul 15, 2019

Jonathan Edwards' Observations on the Facts and Evidences of Christianity: 'When Moses objected (Exodus 4) that perhaps the people would not believe his mission, God directed him to work two miracles to convince them: first, the transmutation of his rod to and from a serpent; and, secondly, the making his hand leprous, and healing the leprosy. And it is to be noted, that the preference is given to the last miracle, as being especially what might well be regarded as a good evidence of Moses's divine mission; Exodus 4:8, "And it shall come to pass, if they will not believe thee, neither hearken to the voice of the first sign, that they will believe the voice of the latter sign.…


Dr. Dilday
Dr. Dilday
Jul 15, 2019

Matthew Henry: 'This chapter, I. Continues and concludes God's discourse with Moses at the bush concerning this great affair of bringing Israel out of Egypt. 1. Moses objects the people's unbelief (verse 1), and God answers that objection by giving him a power to work miracles, (1.) To turn his rod into a serpent, and then into a rod again, verses 2-5. (2.) To make his hand leprous, and then whole again, verses 6-8. (3.) To turn the water into blood, verse 9. 2. Moses objects his own slowness of speech (verse 10), and begs to be excused (verse 13); but God answers this objection, (1.) By promising him his presence, verses 11-12. (2.) By joining Aaron in commission wit…

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