The names and numbers of the children of Israel that came into Egypt, 1-5. Joseph, his brethren, and that generation die, 6. A new king, who knew not Joseph, 8, goeth about by affliction, etc. to suppress the Israelites, 9-11. They increase, 12. Pharaoh commands the midwives to kill the male children, 15, 16. They fear God, and obey not the king, 17. For this God blesseth the midwives, 20. Pharaoh commands all the male children to be drowned, 22.
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George Swinnock's The Beauty of Magistracy: 'By reverent gestures, uncovering the head, bowing the knee, and making obeisance to them, as Nathan and Araunah did to David, 1 Kings 1:23; 2 Samuwl 24:20. So when Joseph was made viceroy and governor of Egypt, they cry before him Abrech, bow the knee, Genesis 41:43. Our deportment before them must savour of humility, and not of insolence, Leviticus 19:32; Job 29:7-8; Ecclesiastes 8:3. Next to the honour which we owe to God himself, we owe respect, and ought to honour magistrates, by a prompt obeying their just and lawful commands, in civil and political affairs, 1 Samuel 22:14. As our obedience to God, so our obedience to the ministers of God shoul…
Matthew Henry: 'We have here, I. God's kindness to Israel, in multiplying them exceedingly, (verses 1-7). II. The Egyptians' wickedness to them, 1. Oppressing and enslaving them, (verses 8-14). 2. Murdering their children, (verses 15-22). Thus whom the court of heaven blessed the country of Egypt cursed, and for that reason.'