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From Reformation to Reformation

Dr. Dilday
Oct 9, 20211 min read
Heidegger's Bible Handbook: 2 Timothy: Place of Writing
3. It was written at Rome. It is undoubted that this Epistle was written at Rome in bonds. For he describes himself as a...
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Dr. Dilday
Oct 8, 20211 min read
Heidegger's Bible Handbook: 2 Timothy: Argument of the Epistle
2. The argument of the Epistle. The sum of the Epistle comes to this. Saint Paul gives thanks to God for Timothy’s faith, and exhorts...
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Dr. Dilday
Oct 6, 20211 min read
Heidegger's Bible Handbook: 2 Timothy: Occasion of the Epistle
1. The occasion of the Epistle. The bonds whereby Saint Paul was kept in custody at Rome, soon to be poured out, after the likeness of...
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Dr. Dilday
Oct 5, 20211 min read
Heidegger's Bible Handbook: 2 Timothy: Chapter Summary
The occasion of the Epistle, 1. The argument of the Epistle, 2. It was written at Rome, 3. In bonds, not the former, but the latter. ...
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Dr. Dilday
Oct 4, 20211 min read
Heidegger's Bible Handbook: 1 Timothy: Interpreters
HOLY FATHERS: None separately. REFORMED: Danæus, de la Faye, Gothofredus, Megander, Musculus, Scultetus, Zwingli. English: Barlow,[1]...
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Dr. Dilday
Oct 2, 20211 min read
Heidegger's Bible Handbook: 1 Timothy: Synoptic Outline
The parts: I. An Admonition concerning the retaining of sound doctrine, concerning the use and abuse of the law, and the doctrine of the...
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Dr. Dilday
Oct 1, 20214 min read
Heidegger's Bible Handbook: 1 Timothy: Detailed Outline
5. The division of the Epistle, in which there is an assortment of admonitions, is only able to be organized according to chapers, an...
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Dr. Dilday
Sep 30, 20212 min read
Heidegger's Bible Handbook: 1 Timothy: Time of Writing
4. It was written, not in the first Macedonian journey, nor in the interval of two years, in which he stayed at Ephesus, nor in his...
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Dr. Dilday
Sep 29, 20211 min read
Heidegger's Bible Handbook: 1 Timothy: Subscript
3. It is proven that it was written at Laodicea, and is the same that is indicated in Colossians 4:16. The Greek Subscript reads in this...
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Dr. Dilday
Sep 28, 20211 min read
Heidegger's Bible Handbook: 1 Timothy: Occasion and Argument of the Epistle
2. The occasion and argument of the Epistle. Saint Paul, being about to proceed into Macedonia, leaves Timothy in Ephesus, 1 Timothy 1:3....
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Dr. Dilday
Sep 27, 20212 min read
Heidegger's Bible Handbook: 1 Timothy: Inscription
1. The inscription. A description of Timothy. The fictions of Metaphrastes, Lapide, and others, concerning him. This Epistle is...
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Dr. Dilday
Sep 25, 20211 min read
Heidegger's Bible Handbook: 1 Timothy: Chapter Summary
The inscription. A description of Timothy. The fictions of Metaphrastes, Lapide, and others, concerning him, 1. The occasion and...
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Dr. Dilday
Sep 24, 20211 min read
Heidegger's Bible Handbook: 2 Thessalonians: Interpreters
HOLY FATHERS: None separately. REFORMED: Gomarus, Landreben, Musculus, Scultetus, Zanchi, Zwingli. English: Rollock, Sclater....
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Dr. Dilday
Sep 23, 20211 min read
Heidegger's Bible Handbook: 2 Thessalonians: Synoptic Outline
The parts: I. His Consolation of the Thessalonians, undergoing persecutions, chapter 1. II. Instruction concerning the coming of the...
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Dr. Dilday
Sep 22, 202112 min read
Poole on Revelation 8:5, 6: A Neglected and Offended High Priest
Verse 5:[1] And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into (or, upon[2]) the earth: and (Rev....
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Dr. Dilday
Sep 21, 20211 min read
Heidegger's Bible Handbook: 2 Thessalonians: Time of Writing
3. The time of writing. That it was written after the former Epistle, and a long time after the principate of Gaius Caligula, is...
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Dr. Dilday
Sep 20, 20211 min read
Heidegger's Bible Handbook: 2 Thessalonians: Argument of the Epistle
2. The Argument of the Epistle. Thus Saint Paul, writing again to the Thessalonians, comforts them, and fortifies them against...
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Dr. Dilday
Sep 18, 20211 min read
Heidegger's Bible Handbook: 2 Thessalonians: Occasion of the Epistle
1. A threefold occasion for writing the Epistle befalls Paul. The occasion for writing this latter Epistle to the Thessalonians was...
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Dr. Dilday
Sep 17, 20211 min read
Heidegger's Bible Handbook: 2 Thessalonians: Chapter Summary
A threefold occasion for writing the Epistle befalls Paul, 1. The Argument of the Epistle, 2. The time of writing. That it was written...
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Dr. Dilday
Sep 16, 20211 min read
Heidegger's Bible Handbook: 1 Thessalonians: Interpreters
HOLY FATHERS: Origen. REFORMED: Gomarus, Landreben,[1] Musculus, Scultetus, Zanchi, Zwingli. English: Jewel,[2] Rollock, Sclater,...
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