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Writer's pictureDr. Dilday

Poole's Outline of Revelation 9

At the sounding of the fifth angel a star falleth from heaven, to whom is given the key of the bottomless pit, 1, he opens the pit, and there come forth locusts like scorpions, who have power to hurt men for a time, 2-11. The first woe past, 12. At the sounding of the sixth angel four angels which were bound are loosed, and bring great plagues on the earth for a limited time, 13-21.

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Dave Holdway
Dave Holdway
Jan 13, 2022

Later in life Martin Luther reconsidered and taught that the ‘little boastful horn’ of Daniel 7 was Islam.

Note that the LBH lasts for 3.5 times and is placed AFTER the 4 beasts who come before, i.e. for 1,260 prophetic (or 1,278 solar years) from the abomination of desolation of the Temple Mount onward.


Dr. Dilday
Dr. Dilday
Jan 08, 2022

Jonathan Edwards' History of Redemption: 'The Mahometan kingdom is another of mighty power and vast extent, set up by Satan against the kingdom of Christ. He set this up in the Eastern empire, as he did that of Antichrist in the Western.

Mahomet was born in the year of Christ five hundred and seventy, in Arabia. When he was about forty years of age, he began to boast that he was the great prophet of God; and proceeded to teach his new-invented religion, of which he was to be worshipped as the head next under God. He published his Alcoran, which he pretended he received from the angel Gabriel; and being a subtle crafty man, possessed of considerable wealth, and…


Dr. Dilday
Dr. Dilday
Jan 08, 2022

John Brown of Haddington's Systematic Theology: 'By his providence he managed... the savage Tartars and Turks, Ezekiel 38-39; Revelation 7-9; 20; the crafty, wicked Papists, Daniel 7; 11:36-43; Revelation 9-19'


Dr. Dilday
Dr. Dilday
Jan 08, 2022

Study Revelation in detail with Matthew Poole!

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