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Writer's pictureDr. Dilday

Poole's Outline of 2 Samuel 5: David, King in Jerusalem

The tribes come to Hebron to anoint David king over all Israel:  the years of his reign at Hebron and Jerusalem:  his age, 1-5.  He taketh the strong hold of Zion from the Jebusites, and dwelleth there, 6-10.  Hiram maketh a league with David, and sendeth wood and workmen to build a house, 11, 12.  He taketh more wives, and eleven sons are born to him at Jerusalem, 13-16.  David, directed by God, smiteth the Philistines at Baal-perazim, 17-21; and again at the mulberry trees, 22-25.

3 commentaires

Dr. Dilday
Dr. Dilday
04 juin

Jonathan Edwards' History of Redemption: 'Now first it was that God proceeded to choose a particular city out of all the tribes of Israel to place his name. There is several times mention made in the law of Moses, of the children of Israel bringing their oblations to the place which God should choose; as Deuteronomy 12:5-7 and other places; but God had never proceeded to do it till now. The tabernacle and ark were never fixed, but sometimes in one place, and sometimes in another; but now God proceeded to choose Jerusalem. The city of Jerusalem was never thoroughly conquered, or taken out of the hands of the Jebusites, till David's time. It is said in Joshua 15:63, "A…


Dr. Dilday
Dr. Dilday
04 juin

Matthew Henry: 'How far Abner's deserting the house of Saul, his murder, and the murder of Ish-bosheth, might contribute to the perfecting of the revolution, and the establishing of David as king over all Israel, does not appear; but, it should seem, that happy change followed presently thereupon, which in this chapter we have an account of. Here is, I. David anointed king by all the tribes, verses 1-5. II. Making himself master of the stronghold of Zion, verses 6-10. III. Building himself a house and strengthening himself in his kingdom, verses 11-12. IV. His children that were born after this, verses 13-16. V. His victories over the Philistines, verses 17-25.'


Dr. Dilday
Dr. Dilday
04 juin

Study 2 Samuel with the Illustrious Matthew Poole! 

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