Whilst Joab besieged Rabbah David committeth adultery with Bath-sheba, 1-4. And hearing that she was with child, he sendeth for Uriah her husband out of the camp, to cover his shame. He will not go to his own house, neither sober nor drunk, 5-13. David sendeth him again into the camp with a letter to Joab to expose him to death, 14-17. The news of which Joab sendeth to David: he marrieth Bath-sheba, 18-27.
Henry Scudder's Christian's Daily Walk: 'You must not doubt, but that gross sins committed after a man is effectually called, are pardonable. It is the devil's policy to cast these doubts into your heads, so wholly to drive you to despair, by shutting out all hope of grace and mercy, that you might have no thought of returning and seeking unto God again; but believe him not: he is a liar, John 8:44. For it may befall one that is in a state of grace, to commit the same gross sins after conversion, which he did before, if not greater than the same. Did not David, by his adultery and murder, exceed all the sins that ever he committed befor…
Matthew Henry: 'What David said of the mournful report of Saul's death may more fitly be applied to the sad story of this chapter, the adultery and murder David was guilty of. "Tell it not in Gath, publish it not in the streets of Ashkelon." We wish we could draw a veil over it, and that it might never be known, might never be said, that David did such things as are here recorded of him. But it cannot, it must not, be concealed. The scripture is faithful in relating the faults even of those whom it most applauds, which is an instance of the sincerity of the penmen, and an evidence that it was not written to serve an…
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