Verse 3:[1] And when he had opened the second seal, (Rev. 4:7) I heard the second beast say, Come and see.

The second seal; the second of those seven seals with which the book, mentioned Revelation 5:1, was sealed.
[The second living creature] Namely, the Ox (Mede), or the Calf (Menochius, thus Ribera, Cluverus, Forbes), as it is evident from Revelation 4:7 (Menochius, thus Ribera, Cluverus), aptly shadowing forth (Cluverus) those that were presenting themselves to be slaughtered like calves for the sake of the Gospel (Forbes, similarly Cluverus). For the patience and sacrificing of oxen is most well-known (Cluverus). This living creature, unless I be mistaken, was Matthew, whose are the words in Matthew 24:7, Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom, etc., where by kingdom we show provinces to be understood out of Isaiah 19:2 (Grotius).
The second beast; the beast like a calf, Revelation 4:7. Come and see; inviting John to attend.
[1] Greek: Καὶ ὅτε ἤνοιξε τὴν δευτέραν σφραγῖδα, ἤκουσα τοῦ δευτέρου ζώου λέγοντος, Ἔρχου καὶ βλέπε.
William Tong (for Matthew Henry): 'The next three seals give us a sad prospect of great and desolating judgments with which God punishes those who either refuse or abuse the everlasting gospel. Though some understand them of the persecutions that befel the church of Christ, and others of the destruction of the Jews, they rather seem more generally to represent God's terrible judgments, by which he avenges the quarrel of his covenant upon those who make light of it...
Upon opening the second seal, to which John was called to attend, another horse appears, of a different colour from the former, a red horse, Revelation 6:4.'
Dr. Dilday's Sermon: "The Second Seal, Part 1"
1) Introduction
2) Analysis: Verse 3
3) Use: Let us focus and re-focus on the lessons of our discipleship.
a) Focusing on new lessons
b) Re-focusing on old lessons
i) Bible proofs
ii) Our great labor
iii) The requirements of our labor
Study the Book of Revelation with Matthew Poole!