Samson desireth to visit his wife; is denied her; wherefore he tieth firebrands to three hundred foxes’ tails, and sets the corn on fire, 1-5; for which they burn his wife and her father, 6. Samson's revenge, 7, 8. The Philistines pitch in Judah, and demand Samson: the men of Judah bind and deliver him, 9-13. He breaketh his bands, and slayeth one thousand Philistines with the jawbone of an ass, 14-17. He is athirst; prays; obtains water out of it, 18-20.
John Brown of Haddington's Systematic Theology: 'That God is Almighty, is evident...From that abundant power which he hath communicated to his creatures, luminaries, vegetables, brutes, men, and angels, Job 36-41; Judges 15-16; 2 Samuel 21; 23; 1 Chronicles 11; 20; Psalm 103:20; 2 Thessalonians 1:7.'
Matthew Henry: 'Samson, when he courted an alliance with the Philistines, did but seek an occasion against them, Judges 14:4. Now here we have a further account of the occasions he took to weaken them, and to avenge, not his own, but Israel's quarrels, upon them. Everything here is surprising; if any thing be thought incredible, because impossible, it must be remembered that with God nothing is impossible, and it was by the Spirit of the Lord coming upon him that he was both directed to and strengthened for those unusual ways of making war. I. From the perfidiousness of his wife and her father, he took occasion to burn their corn, verses 1-5. II. From the Philistines' barbarous cruelt…