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Heidegger's Bible Handbook: Psalms: Detailed Outline of Book 5

Writer's picture: Dr. DildayDr. Dilday

107. The Psalmist, inviting the redeemed of Jehovah to celebrate God’s goodness (verses 1, 2), narrating both the examples of those of former times, who, calling upon God, having been delivered, gave thanks to God, as wandering in a desert (verses 3-9), shut up in prison (verses 10-16), abhorring meat (verses 17-22), cast into the sea (verses 23-32): and the more recent works of God, transformation into fertile and barren (verses 33-39), the vicissitudes of human affairs (verse 40-42), the observation of which works he then earnestly commends (verse 43).

108. David, with the grace of God furnished for himself extolled, and with the same implored for times coming (verses 1-6), admiringly proclaims the Divine help bestowed upon him (verses 7-9), and testifies of his own confidence concerning future deliverance (veres 10-13).

109. David, traduced with the most wicked calumnies of evil men (verses 1-5), imprecating the multifarious judgments of God against them (verses 6-20), implores the help of the same, whereby He might be delivered from dangers and death itself (verses 21-29), and welcomes with praises that God is going to escort him (verses 30, 31).

110. David prophesies of the placement of Christ as King at the right hand of God (verse 1), the King’s efficacy, the Kingdom’s metropolis, His subjects’ character, abundance, and excellence (verses 2, 3), the Kings’ priesthood (verse 4), judgments against Kings and nations (verses 5, 6), and finally the exaltation of His head after the drinking of brooks in the way (verse 7).

111. The Psalmist, exhorting the Church by his own example to praise God, celebrates God’s marvelous works, covenant, righteousness, truth, precepts, and redemption (verses 1-9), and shows the efficacy of the fear of God (verse 10).

112. The Psalmist, declaring the blessedness of those fearing God (verse 1), further sets forth the same in the fruits of the fear of God (verses 2-9), and confirms it from the envy of the wicked (verse 10.

113. The Psalmist rouses the servants of Jehovah to praise the name of the Lord (verse 1), and the servants celebrate the same in extolling His exaltation (verses 2-5), and in commemorating His providence, raising of the needy (verses 6-8), making fertile of the barren (verse 9).

114. The Psalmist, with the glorious exodus of the Israelites out of Egypt narrated (verses 1-4), insults the sea and Jordan fleeing away (verses 5, 6), and with those compares the glorious advent of the Lord (verses 7, 8).

115. The Church, asking for herself to be preserved because of God’s name, not because of any merit of her own (verses 1, 2), and all idolatry to be rooted out (verses 3-8), exhorts to place trust in the one God, with super-abounding blessing set forth (verses 9-16), and promises that she is going to declare the praises of God in this life (verses 17, 18).

116. The Psalmist decleares his love for God on account of blessings received (verses 1, 2), and on account of his deliverance from bodily straits and spiritual temptation, promising a pious and agreeable walk with God (verses 3-9); he expresses a solemn vow of gratitude on account of the Divine help funished (verses 10-19).

117. The Psalmist exhorts the nations to extol the name of God (verses 1), on account of excellence of His mercy and truth (verse 2).

118. The Psalmist, with a form of celebrating God prescribed to the Israelites (verses 1-4), commends the goodness of God because of the deliverance from straits and the power of the enemy; in which he testifies of his faith in God (verses 5-16); and, promising life to himself and entrance through the gate, he gives thanks for the help of God, with the authority of Christ, rejected by the builders, asserted (verses 17-24), and glorifies God, with His help implored (verses 25-29).

119. The Psalmist, in his straits and trials seeking refuge in the word and testimonies of Divine promise, teaches that the blessedness of the pious is placed in their zeal, faith, and obedience to the will of God: and so, desiring himself to be instructed by God in the knowledge of Him, as his chaste delights, and praying that he might be kept from all the impediments of Satan, the world, the flesh, and all enemies, and finally aware in honesty of his own innocence, he commits himself and all his entirely to God.

120. The Psalmist, with the Divine deliverance from his calamities narrated (verse 1), complains of a false lip and fraudulent tongue, upon which he imprecates a grievous punishment (verses 2-4), and also of cohabitation with those that hate peace (verses 5-7).

121. The Psalmist, imploring help from Heaven (verses 1, 2), promises to himself the protection of God as altogether certain (verses 3-8).

122. The Church, testifying to her joy on account of the call inviting to frequent the house of God (verse 1), approaches the house of God (verse 2), adorns Jerusalem with an eminent elogy (verses 3-5), and asks for her all the best things.

123. The Psalmist, with eyes lifted to God, and depending completely upon His nod (verses 1, 2), implores the mercy of the same on account of the outrages of enemies (verses 3, 4).

124. David with the dangers with which the Church is assailed, and the present help of God, set forth (verses 1-5), gives thanks to God delivering from the same from the snares of fowlers (verses 6, 7), and glories in the help of God (verse 8).

125. The Psalmist, ascribing immutability and firmness to the Church of God (verses 1, 2), asserts the instability of the scepter of the wicked upon the lot of the righteous (verse 3), and proclaims the grace of God to the pious, and punishment to the crooked (verses 4, 5).

126. The Psalmist, anticipating the ineffable job of the coming deliverance from captivity (verses 1-3), prays for the restoration of the Church, and a harvest with joy (verses 4-6).

127. Solomon, pronouncing the labors of man vain when devoid of the Divine blessing (verses 1, 2), celebrates God’s grace in the giving of sleep, the abundance of children, and blessing (verses 3-5).

128. The Psalmist, with the blessedness of the pious set forth (verse 1), commends it by the blessing of labor, the fruitfulness of his wife, the abundance of offspring, the testimony of the matter, and the will and efficacy of God Himself being present with the Church (verses 2-6).

129. The Church describes her afflictions from the world (verses 1-3), Divine deliverance, and the deadly destruction of enemies (verses 4-8).

130. The Psalmist, calling upon God from the depths, refers the glory of the remission of sins to God (verses 1-4), and confesses his hope in the grace of God, and his uninterrupted waiting according to the word of God (verses 5-8): Penitential VI.

131. David, professing his soul to be lowly and simple (verses 1, 2), summons Israel to trust in Jehovah (verse 3).

132. The Church, praying for David’s selection of a suitable place for Divine worship (verses 1-5), encourages herself to the exercise of worship in the place of the ark (verses 6, 7), and prays before the ark for the perpetuity of the presence of God in that place (verse 8), a house of righteousness for the Priests (verse 9), and that because of the faith held by David in the Divine promise (verses 10-12), the choice of Zion (verses 13-16), on account of the raising of David’s horn in that place, which is going to rule over his enemies (verses 17, 18).

133. David, extolling the communion of the saints (verse 1), symbolizes the pleasantness of the same in a twofold similitude, of ointment descending from Aaron’s head to his beard and fringes of his robe (verse 2), and of the dew descending upon Hermon and the mountains of Zion (verse 3).

134. The Psalmist exhorts the entire Church to bless God (verses 1, 2), praying for a blessing upon her out of Zion (verse 3).

135. The Psalmist, exhorting the Church to extol the name of God, on account of His goodness and pleasantness (verses 1-3), the former of which he proves from the election of the people, the greatness of the Redeemer, the works of Providence (verse 4-12), the latter from the efficacy of the name of Jehovah, the humbling of the idols of the Gentiles (verses 13-18); summons the house of Israel to bless God and to give thanks (verses 19-21).

136. The Psalmist exhorts the Chuch to proclaim the praise of God on account of His beneficent nature and Majesty (verses 1-3), which proving from the works of creation (verses 4-9) and of the special government of God’s people in Egypt and the land of Canaan (verses 10-25), he repeat the same exhortation to confess God (verse 27).

137. The Jewish Church, remembering the Babylonians captivity and its sorrow, to which it was testifying by various signs there (verses 1-6), imprecates most grievous punishments upon the Babylonians and Edomites, the inciters of their enemies (verses 7-9).

138. The Psalmist, extolling God because of His goodness, fidelity, and word (verses 1-3), teaches that He is going to be extolled even by the Gentiles hearing His word (verses 4-6), and commits himself to God in all his straits (verses 7, 8).

139. David, extolling God, foreknowing all things, and the former and searcher of hearts and reins, being present everywhere (verses 1-13), gives thanks to the same for the election, redemption, illumination, and bringing forth of his own with singular care (verses 14-16), declares His counsels numerous, and His judgments against the wicked (verses 17-20), and finally commits himself to God for further proving, searching, and correction (verses 21-24).

140. David, asking for the deliverance of himself from the cursing tongues of the wicked (verses 1-5), sets forth his deliverance (verses 6, 7), and prays against his wicked persecutor (verses 8-10), foretells the destruction of his calumniator (verse 11), and confirms himself in his certain confidence in the righteousness and salvation of God (verses 12, 13).

141. David, imploring the help of God, and the acceptance of his prayers like the evening sacrifice (verses 1, 2), asks for his preservation from the sins of the mouth, heart, and depraved company, and for the rebuke of good men (verses 3-5), and also his preservation in life and from the snares of enemies (verses 6-9); and he presages a fall for the impious, and salvation for himself (verse 10).

142. David, shut up in a cave by Saul and his company, rousing himself to call upon God (verses 1-3), complains to God of his danger (verse 4), and implores the help and deliverance of the same out of such straits (verses 5-7).

143. David, begging an audience with God (verse 1), deprecates the judgment of the same, with the violence of his enemies set forth, and his own extreme perturbation (verses 2-6), and earnestly implores a speedy revelation of the grace of God, deliverance from enemies, Divine instruction, the guidance of the Holy Spirit, renewal, and the overthrow of enemies (verses 7-12): Penitential VII.

144. The Church, extolling Jehovah as her rock, and His blessings (verses 1, 2), but professing her own indignity (verses 3, 4), asks for the descent of God from Heaven, the consuming of the mountains, her deliverance from enemies and the hand of strangers, with with a promise of thanksgiving to God thereupon, and of the education of her sons unto glory, a salutary abundance of sheep, food, etc. (verses 5-14), and declears the people of God blessed (verse 15).

145. David, indicating his intention to extol the Lord (verses 1, 2), praises God’s Majesty, works, judgments, righteousness, goodness, and grace (verses 3-9), the creation of a peculiar people to sing praises (verses 10-12), the eternity of the Kingdom (verse 13), and benignity towards His subjects fearing Him (verses 14-21).

146. The Psalmist, exhorting the pious to celebrate the praises of God (verses 1, 2), and forbidding faith in men (verses 3, 4), declares those blessed that trust in God, the creator of all, the avenger of the oppressed, the illuminator of the blind, the lover of the just, the patron of strangers and orphans, the eternal King (verses 5-10).

147. The Psalmist, exhorting to the extoling of God, His pleasantness and goodness (verse 1), declares His power, excellence, and judgments in preserving the Church (verses 2-6), and again excites to sing to God (verse 7), with His blessings towards men and beasts commemorated (verses 8-11), and finally rouses Jerusalem to proclaim God and His blessings (verses 12-20).

148. The Psalmist invites all created things, both the highest, Angels, Sun, and Stars, on account of their creation and preservation (verses 1-6), and the lowest, in the earth, abyss, and air (verses 7-10), and especially men of every sort, age, and sex (verses 11-13), to sing the praise of God, lifting the horn of His people (verse 14).

149. The Psalms, rousing all the pious to joy on account of the King, in whom God has good pleasure in His people (verses 1-4), points to the glorious exultation on account of vengeance executed upon enemy Kings (verses 5-9).

150. The Psalmist, putting the finishing touch on the Psalms, commands the celebration of God sitting in the firmament of His strength (verse 1), on account of His mighty acts and magnificence (verse 2), on the psaltery, lyre, timbrel, and trumpet (verses 3-5), to every breathing thing (verse 6).

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Dr. Dilday
Dr. Dilday
02 lug 2022
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Dr. Steven Dilday holds a BA in Religion and Philosophy from Campbell University, a Master of Arts in Religion from Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadelphia), and both a Master of Divinity and a  Ph.D. in Puritan History and Literature from Whitefield Theological Seminary.  He is also the translator of Matthew Poole's Synopsis of Biblical Interpreters and Bernardinus De Moor’s Didactico-Elenctic Theology.




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