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Writer's pictureDr. Dilday

Heidegger's Bible Handbook: Psalms: Detailed Outline of Book 3

73. Asaph, commending the goodness of God (verse 1), discusses the reasonings of the flesh, pondering the felicity of the wicked (verses 2-27), entrusts himself completely to God, and professes that he is going to cleave to Him (verse 28).

74. The Church of God, pressed by exceedingly grievous calamities, complaining to God of her miseries, the violence of her enemies, and her bereavement (verses 1-10), implores God’s continuation of help, patience, grace, and faithfulness against the blasphemies of enemies (verses 11-19), and, calling to mind his own infirmity, God’s covenant, and his confidence in it (verses 20-22), solicits the vengeance of God (verse 23).

75. The Psalmist celebrates the name of God (verse 1), and God declares His judgment, raising up and putting down, with the cup of wrath presented for imbibing (verses 2-10).

76. The Psalmist, singing of the blessing of a past, extraordinary deliverance (verses 1-10), excites all to payment of their vows (verses 11, 12).

77. Asaph, with a most grievous trial narrated, into which he fell on account of the delay of Divine hearing and help (verses 1-9), overcomes this by remembering his infirmity and the method of God, perfecting His power in human weakness (verses 10-20).

78. Asaph, with the attention of the people drawn to himself, being about to speak in a grand manner (verses 1-8), celebrates the mighty works of God from the exodus out of Egypt unto the chosing of David as King (verses 9-72).

79. The Church, complaining of the violence of the peoples polluting the Temple and devastating Jerusalem (verses 1-4), deprecates the anger of God (verse 5), and prays for the same against his enemies (verses 6-8); imploring the help of God, and soliciting His vengeance against enemies (verses 9-12), he promises thanksgiving (verse 13).

80. The Church, entreating the help of God, the Shepherd of Israel (verses 1, 2), asks for the return and shining of God’s face, with arguments fetch from the present crisis, and the past blessing of the planted vine (verses 3-13), and solicits the care of God, the visitation of His vine (verses 14-17), and his vivification and conversion (verses 18, 19).

81. Believers, rousing one another to sing the praises of God, commemorate the magnificent works of God in the exodus out of Egypt, and the law’s teaching of God’s commandments and promises (verses 1-10); but God, complaining of the disobedience of His people, declares His judgment against the disobedient (verses 11, 12), and His grace towards the compliant (verses 13-16).

82. Asaph, inculcating the duty of Magistracy, with their mortality brought back to their minds (verses 1-7), implores God as judge (verse 8).

83. The Church, gravely complaining of the injuries and impiety of enemies (verses 1-8), asks for destruction upon the same for the glory of God (verses 9-18).

84. The Psalmist, declaring the pleasantness of the house of God, and the blessedness of those frequenting it (verses 1-7), prays to God, that he might enjoy the mercy to be restored to it, and to be confirmed in grace (verses 8-12).

85. The Church, with the grace of God in her restoration celebrated (verses 1-3), asks for her conversion and reconciliation to God (verses 4-7), and testifies of her confidence in God’s grace, faithfulness, and righteousness (verses 8-13).

86. David, in earnest prayers begging Divine protection, grace, and instruction (verses 1-11), gives thanks to God for His goodness (verses 12-13), and implores a good token of favor (verses 14-17).

87. The Psalmis commends the Church of Christ for the preaching of the Divine word in it (verses 1-3), the approach of the Gentiles to her (verse 4), her perpeptual stability (verses 5, 6), and joy and fecundity (verse 7).

88. The Psalmist, calling upon God in the greatest straits (verses 1, 2), magnifies his sorrows and immediate ills with words most bitter (verses 3-18).

89. Ethan the Ezrahite, celebrating God’s benignity and faithfulness, witnessed in all created things, and in the Church, and commemorating the dignity of the Kingdom of Christ and the promises made to the whole Kingdom and to the King (verses 1-37), complains of the tokens of the Divine anger and indignation (verses 38-45), and asks for a limit and end of the plagues (verses 46-52).

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