3. The spiritual signification of the book. Means of the understanding of the same.

And indeed, it is not able to be doubted, that these precepts, although concerning earthly and carnal things, were wisely prescribed by God, and have a δήλωσιν πνευματικὴν, spiritual signification, with which not rightly perceived this book is read without profit. But, so that we might rightly perceive it, let us not cleave only to the external letter with the Jews, nor transform these sacred rites into mere moral allegories and precepts with the ancient Origenists; all things that are said are to be referred both to the promise of the blessed seed received in Paradise,[1] and to the nature of God, and the requirements of righteousness, in which a sinner to be saved in the sight of God ought to abound. In addition, they are to be brought into consideration, namely, what things are said by the Prophets, comparing spiritual things with those carnal things: and what things Christ and the Apostles, and especially Paul in the Epistle to the Hebrews, which is a κλεὶς γνώσεως, key of understanding, for this book, and a certain commentary, taught concerning the signification of these things.
[1] See Genesis 3:15; 1 John 3:8-13.
Dr. Dilday's Lecture: "The Mystery of the Tabernacle"