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Heidegger's Bible Handbook: Leviticus: Patristic Interpreters

Cyril of Alexandria

HOLY FATHERS: Ambrose, Hesychius,[1] Radulphus,[2] Origen,[3] Cyril of Alexandria, Procopius, Bede, Quæstiones of Augustine, Theodoret.

[1] Little is known about the life of Hesychius of Jerusalem (fifth century AD). He served the church as an elder and composed exegetical works on a large portion of the Bible. Hesychius’ commentary on Leviticus survives in a Latin manuscript.

[2] Radulphus of Flaix (twelfth century) was a Benedictine monk. His commentary on Leviticus (In mysticum illum Moysi Leviticum) was highly regarded.

[3] Sixteen homilies on Leviticus are preserved from Origen.

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