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Heidegger's Bible Handbook: Judges: Interpreters

HOLY FATHERS: Bede, Isidore, Theodoret, Origen,[1] Procopius of Gaza, Quæstiones of Augustine.

REFORMED: Borrhaus, Bucer,[2] Burman, Calvin, Drusius, Lavater,[3] Martyr,[4] Strigelius, Wolf.[5] English: Arthur Jackson, Mayer, Rogers.[6]

LUTHERAN: Balduin, Brentius,[7] Fabricius, Heling, Luther.

ROMAN CATHOLIC: Bonfrerius, Dionysius Carthusianus, Ferus, Magalianus, Malvenda, Montanus,[8] Rupertus,[9] Serarius, Alonso Tostatus,[10] Hugo Victorinus,[11] Cajetan.

HEBREWS: The same as for the Book of Joshua.

Let the Interpreters of the Books of the Old Testament be added.

[1] Nine homilies on the Book of Judges survive from Origen. [2]Enarrationes in librum Iudicum. Martin Bucer (1491-1551) was an early Reformer, born in what is now Sélestat, France. Based in Strasbourg, he became a key figure in the German Reformation, although his theology was closer to that of Zwingli than of Luther. [3]Liber iudicum homiliis CVII. [4]In librum Iudicum. [5]Historia iudicum, qui a morte Iehosuæ, usque ad Heli Sacerdotem. [6]A commentary upon the whole booke of Iudges. Richard Rogers (c. 1550-1618) was an English Presbyterian, nonconforming pastor. [7]In librum Iudicum et Ruth commentarii. [8]De varia republica, sive Commentaria in librum Judicum. [9]In Librum Iudicum. [10]Commentaria in Iudices et Ruth. [11] Hugh of Saint Victor (c. 1096-1141) was a Saxon Canon Regular, and influential mystical theologian. His annotations on the Pentateuch, Judges, Ruth, Kings, Lamentations, and some Psalms survive.

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