3. The Argument of the book.

Hence the argument of this prophecy is more clearly set forth. More specifically, Jeremiah, with matters thus sufficiently well-ordered under Josiah, was commanded to prophesy while yet a boy, puts a spur to the horses, and proceeds to exhort to μετάνοιαν/repentance: he demonstrates the true use of the divine law for doctrine, reproof, and the rest:[1] he most vehemently inveighs against the sins of his time, like idolatry, treachery, avarice, cruelty, and luxury, denounces the judgments of GOD, consoles the Church in most grievous affliction, adducing both most ample promises concerning the end of the Babylonian captivity, to be terminated in seventy years, and predictions of singular judgments against the enemies of the Church. Inserted here and there are also historical materials, pertaining to the confirmation and evidence of the prophecies. And thus far he differs from Isaiah, inasmuch as he pursues more things ἠθικὰ καὶ πολιτικὰ, ethical and political; but Isaiah, more things πνευματικὰ/spiritual.
[1] See 2 Timothy 3:16.
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