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Heidegger's Bible Handbook: Gospels: Roman Catholic Interpreters

Arias Montanus

ROMAN CATHOLIC: Auzales, Benedictus, Bonfrerius,[1] Bouliaudus, Bourghesius,[2] Brugensis,[3] Cassia,[4] Cantarellus,[5] Castro,[6] Contzen,[7] Corroy,[8] Faber,[9] Galarza,[10] Gislandis,[11] Granada,[12] Lorich,[13] Ludolph the Carthusian,[14] Maldonatus, Mandina,[15] Montanus,[16] Natalis,[17] Novarinus, Pavonus,[18] Perez, Placentinus,[19] Ricci,[20] Rupertus,[21] Scribonius,[22] Stapleton,[23] Sylveira,[24] Cajetan,[25] Barradas,[26] Serpinianus.

ADD the Interpreters of all the Books of the New Testament.

[1] Jacobus Bonfrerius (1573-1642) joined the order of the Jesuits in 1592. He enjoyed a long tenure as a professor of the Scriptures and Hebrew at Douay, France. His commentaries on Genesis through Chronicles are extant, but he is said to have written on nearly all of the books of the Bible. [2] Jean Bourgeois (1574-1653) was a Jesuit author. He wrote Harmoniam evangelicam, and Vitæ, Passionis et Mortis Jesu-Christi Domini nostri Mysteria. [3] Francis Lucas Brugensis (1552-1619) was a Jesuit scholar, who labored in the collation of manuscripts. He was skilled, not only in Greek and Hebrew, but also in Syriac and Chaldean. He wrote Commentarium in Sacro-Sancta quatuor Iesu Christi Euangelia. [4] Simon of Cascia (c. 1295-1348) was a member of the Order of Augustinian Hermits. Although he was an ascetic and preacher of great reputation, his desire for solitude led him to reject episcopal appointment. He wrote De gestis Domini Salvatoris, and Expositionem super evangelia. [5] De Jesu Christi Mirabilibus et imbecillitate humanæ Naturæ. [6] Conciones super Evangelia dominicalia. [7] Commentaria in quatuor sancta Jesu Christi Evangelia. Adam Contzen (1571-1636) was a German Jesuit theologian, exegete, and economist. He served as Professor of Philosophy at Wurzburg (1606), and Professor of Holy Scripture at Mainz (1610). [8] Pandecta legis euangelicæ; Harmonia Evangelica. [9] Concionum opus tripartitum, argumentis in singula evangelia instructum. Matthew Faber (1586-1653) was a German Jesuit priest, controversialist, and preacher. [10] Introductio ad sacrarum literarum, ac potissimùm Euangelicæ historiæ cognitionem expeditius; Evangelicarum institutionum. Pedro Garcia de Galarza (1538-1604) was Bishop of Coria, Spain, and humanistic scholar. [11] Opus aurcum super Evangelia. Antonius de Gislandis (flourished from 1489-1507) was an Italian Dominican preacher and inquisitor. [12] Luis de Granada (1504-1588) was a Spanish Dominican preacher, theologian, and writer. He wrote Vida de Jesu cristo. [13] Gerhard Lorich (1485-c. 1553) was a German Catholic churchman and theologian. Although Lorich opposed the Reformation, he did work for reform within the Catholic Church. He compiled Postilla super Evangelia et Epistolas. [14] Ludolph of Saxony (c. 1295-1378) began his monastic career as a Dominican, but eventually, feeling called to a life of stricter silence and solitude, joined the Carthusians. His Viva Christi not only provides commentary on the Gospels, but instruction in meditation and prayer. It was influential in the spiritual development of Ignatius of Loyola. [15] Benedetto Mandina (1580-1646) was an Italian Theatine and bishop. He wrote In Evangelia. [16] Benedict Arias Montanus (1527-1598) was a Spanish Benedictine monk. He attended the Council of Trent, and he was heavily involved in the production of the Antwerp Polyglot Bible. Montanus also commented on a number of Biblical books, including the Gospels (Elucidationes in quatuor Euangelia). [17] Expositio litteralis et moralis sancti Evangelii Jesu Christi secundum quatuor evangelistas. Noël Alexandre (1639-1724) was a French Dominican. He taught philosophy, theology, and canon law at the Sorbonne. [18] Commentarium dogmaticum in Evangelia. Franciscus Pavonus (156-1637) was an Italian Jesuit scholar. [19] Enarrationes evangeliorum. Callisto da Piacenza (1484-1552) was a member of the Canons Regular of the Lateran. He was a preacher of some reputation and an inquisitor. [20] Vita Domini Nostri Iesu Christi; Triumphus Christi Crucifixi; Monotessoron Evangelicum. Bartolomeo Ricci (1542-1613) was an Italian Jesuit. [21] In Evangelistas. Rupertus (1091-1135) was a learned Benedictine, Abbot of Tuits on the Rhine. [22] Conciones in Jesu Christi Evangelia. Joannes Marius Scribonius (died 1641) was member of the Order of Friars Minor Observant, and a preacher. [23] Antidota Evangelica contra horum temporum hæreses; Svper Omnia Evangelia Totius Anni. Thomas Stapleton (1535-1598) was an English Catholic controversialist. He was instrumental in the establishment of the English College at Douai. [24] In textum evangelicum commentaria. Johannes de Sylveira (1592-1687) was a Carmelite scholar and teacher. [25] Evangelia cum Commentariis. [26] Sebastião Barradas (1543-1615) was a Portuguese Jesuit. He was professor of Scripture at Coimbra and Evora for many years. He published Commentaria in concordiam et historiam evangelicam.

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