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Heidegger's Bible Handbook: Genesis: Roman Catholic Interpreters

Thomas Aquinas

ROMAN CATHOLIC: Acosta,[1] Aquinas,[2] Arias,[3] Bonaventure,[4] Catharinus,[5] Escalante, Hammer,[6] Lippomanus,[7] Mersenne,[8] Pererius,[9] Steuchus,[10] Stella, Tostatus,[11] Masson,[12] Couûre, Girolamo Vielmi,[13] del Rio,[14] Ystella.[15]

[1] José de Acosta (1540-1600) was a Spanish Jesuit, who worked as a missionary in Latin America. His Historia natural y moral de las Indias addresses, among other things, the origins of the population in the Americas in the light of the Book of Genesis.

[2] Thomas Aquinas (c. 1224-1274) was perhaps the greatest of the mediæval scholastic theologians. He wrote on much of the Bible, gathering together the comments, observations, and interpretations of the Fathers. Aquinas comments rather extensively on the creation account in his Summa Theologica.

[3] Benedict Arias Montanus (1527-1598) was a Spanish Benedictine monk. He attended the Council of Trent, and he was heavily involved in the production of the Antwerp Polyglot Bible. Montanus also commented on a number of Biblical books, including Genesis’ creation account (Liber generationis et regenerationis Adam, sive De historia generis humani).

[4] John Bonaventure (1221-1274) joined the order of St. Francis in 1243, and he was made the general of the order in 1256. His theological abilities and piety are esteemed by Romanists and Protestants alike. Bonaventure commented on the creation account and fall in his Breviloquium and Commentary on Lombard’s Sentences.

[5] Lancelot Politi, also known as Ambrosius Catharinus (1483-1553) was an Italian Dominican scholar, who played a prominent role at the Council of Trent in defense of the Papacy against the Reformation. In spite of theological eccentricities, he was considered to be an orthodox Romanist. Catharinus wrote commentaries on several books of the Bible, including Genesis (Enarrationes in quinque priora capita libri Geneseos).

[6] Wilhelm Hammer (died 1564) was a Dominican. He wrote Commentationes in Genesim.

[7] Aloysius Lippomani (1550-1559) was a Roman Catholic bishop (serving successively in Modena, Verona, and Bergamo), distinguished for his historical and linguistic learning. He was commissioned by Pope Paul IV as nuncio to Poland to resist the advance of the Reformation. He wrote commentaries on Genesis (Catena in Genesim), Exodus, and the Psalms.

[8] Marin Mersenne (1588-1648) was a French polymath, excelling in mathematics, music theory, philosophy, and theology, and was a member of the Minim Friars. He wrote Quaestiones celeberrimas in Genesim.

[9] Benedictus Pererius (1535-1610) was a Spanish Jesuit theologian and commentator. He wrote Commentariorum et Disputationum in Genesim Tomos Quattuor, in which he addresses many of the great difficulties in Genesis. He also wrote extensively on Exodus, Daniel, John, Romans, and Revelation.

[10] Cosmopœia, vel De mundano opificio, expositio trium capitum Genesis.

[11] Commentaria in Genesim.

[12] Anthony Masson (1620-1700) was a French Minim. He wrote Curious, Historical, and Moral Questions Relative to the Book of Genesis; The History of Noah and the Universal Deluge; and The History of the Patriarch Abraham.

[13] Girolamo Vielmi (1519-1582) was an Italian Dominican. He was elected Bishop of Novigrad in 1570. He wrote De sex diebus conditi orbis librum.

[14] Martin Delrio (1551-1608) was a Spanish Jesuit theologian. He wrote Pharum sacræ sapientiæ, a commentary upon Genesis.

[15] Commentaria in Genesim et Exodum.

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