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Writer's pictureDr. Dilday

Heidegger's Bible Handbook: Genesis: Jewish Interpreters

Bereshith Rabba

HEBREW: Bereshith Rabba,[1] אור עינים.[2]

SECTARIAN: Böhme,[3] Le Clerc.[4]

Let the Interpreters of the Old Testament and of the Pentateuch above be added.

[1] Bereshith Rabba, or Genesis Rabbah, is a sixth century midrash on Genesis. It provides explanations and interpretations of words and phrases, which explanations are often only loosely connected with the text. It draws upon the Mishna, Tosefta, and the Targums.

[2] אור עינים is a commentary upon Genesis. It was written and published in the mid-sixteenth century by Rabbi Solomon ben Abraham Peniel, about whom nothing is known.

[3] Jacob Böhme (1575-1624) was a German theologian and mystic. In his formative years, he was influenced by the writings of Weigel and Schwenckfeld. Although Böhme had no formal education, he wrote prolifically, and had an enthusiastic following. His Mysterium Magnum, written shortly before his death, is an explanation of the allegories found in Genesis.

[4] Jean Le Clerc (1657-1736) was educated in Geneva, under the tutelage of Philippe Mestrezat and Francis Turretin, and ordained in circa 1680. His sympathy for the theology of the Remonstrants made it impossible for him to continue in Geneva. He settled as Professor of Philosophy at Amsterdam (1684-1731). Le Clerc’s approach to Scripture was seminal in the development of what would become Higher Criticism. He wrote Genesim sive Mosis prophetæ librum primum.

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