The parts of the book are:

I. A Repetition of the preceding history: chapters 1:1-4:43: in which is:
1. A narration of God’s blessings: chapters 1-4: in which is:
a. A repetition of those things that happened in the journey from Horeb unto Kadesh: chapter 1.
b. Of those things that happened concerning the Moabites, Ammonites, etc.: chapter 2.
c. Of those wars that were conducted against Og and Sihon, etc.: chapter 3.
2. An exhortation and commendation of the Decalogue: chapter 4:1-43.

II. A Repetition of the Mosaic Legislation: chapters 4:44-26:19: in which is:
1. A preface: chapter 4:44-49.
2. A sermon of Moses, in which the Law is repeated: chapters 5-26: in which is:
a. The Law repeated: chapter 5.
b. An exposition of the Moral precepts: chapters 6-11.
α. An exposition of the first precept: chapter 6.
Of the second: chapter 7.
Of the promises: chapter 8.
β. The Law concerning trusting in God alone: chapter 9.
γ. A rebuke of ingratitude: chapter 10.
δ. An exhortation to obedience: chapter 11.
c. A repetition of the laws pertaining to worship: chapters 12-16: in which is:
α. Simple laws concerning Idolatry, etc.: chapter 12.
Concerning Apostasy, etc.: chapter 13.
β. Ceremonial laws concerning clean things, tithes: chapter 14.
Concerning the Sabbath of years: chapter 15.
Concerning Feasts, Magistrates: chapter 16.
d. A repetition of the judicial Laws: chapters 17-26: in which is:
α. Things judicial and the King: chapter 17.
β. The lot of the Levites, the Great Prophet: chapter 18.
γ. Law concerning cities of refuge, witnesses: chapter 19.
δ. Law of war: chapter 20.
ε. Law concerning accidental homicide, etc.: chapter 21.
ζ. Concerning loving one’s neighbor, etc.: chapter 22.
η. Concerning those that are fit for assembly, etc.: chapter 23.
θ. Concerning divorce, etc.: chapter 24.
ι. Concerning judgments, etc.: chapter 25.
κ. Concerning the firstfruits, etc.: chapter 26.

III. The sanction of the Law repeated: chapters 27-30: in which are:
1. Signs, the stony pillars, the altar on mount Ebal: chapter 27:1-10.
2. Sealing through threats on mount Ebal: chapter 27:11-26.
3. Promises and threats of the Law: chapter 28.
4. Renewal of the covenant entered into with the people, in which are:
a. The stipulation and special declaration of that covenant: chapter 29.
b. A declaration of the same with respect to the grace to be exercised toward the elect: chapter 30.

IV: The testament and death of Moses: chapters 31-34: in which is:
1. The testament of Moses: chapters 31-34: in which are:
a. A commendation of his successor: chapter 31:1-8.
b. The Scripture as the rule: chapter 31:9-13.
c. A description of the Song
α. Entrusted to Moses by God: chapter 31:14-30.
β. Set forth by Moses: chapter 32.
d. A prophetic blessing of the twelve Tribes: chapter 33.
2. The death and burial of Moses: chapter 34.