The Parts of the book are:

I. The happy state of King David, Chapters 1-10: in which are:
1. A funeral ode for Saul and Jonathan: chapter 1.
2. David’s succession unto the Kingdom of Judah: chapter 2:1-7.
3. Unto the Kingdom of Israel: chapter 2:8-5:5: in which are:
a. Abner’s resistance.
α. His attempt to obtrude Ish-bosheth: chapter 2:8-32.
β. His death: chapter 3.
γ. The death of Ish-bosheth: chapter 4.
b. The succession itself: chapter 5:1-5.
4. The affairs of David prosperously conducted: chapter 5:6-10:19: in which are:
a. Matters Ecclesiastical, in which are:
α. The renewal of Zion: chapter 5:6-25.
β. The conveyance of the Ark: chapter 6.
γ. The prayer of David, and the promise of God: chapter 7.
b. Matters Political, in which are:
α. Various victories: chapter 8.
β. Liberality towards Mephibosheth: chapter 9.
γ. The war against the Ammonites: chapter 10.

II. The unhappy state of the same, Chapters 11-18: in which are:
1. Its cause, sins: chapter 11.
2. Nathan’s announcement of punishment: chapter 12:1-14.
3. The chastisement, in which are:
a. The death of David’s little child: chapter 12:15-31.
b. Amnon’s incest: chapter 13.
c. Absalom’s exile: chapter 14.
d. The persecution of David: chapters 15-18: in which are:
α. His exile: chapter 15.
β. Zeba the parasite, Shimei, etc.: chapter 16.
γ. Ahithophel and Hushai: chapter 17.
δ. The ruin of Absalom: chapter 18.

III. David’s restoration to better things, Chapter 19-24: in which are:
1. David’s mourning over Absalom, and restoration: chapter 19.
2. His return to Jerusalem, and the sedition of Sheba put down: chapter 20.
3. Matters conducted after the restoration: chapters 21-24: in which are:
a. Things laudable.
α. The punishment of the sons of Saul: chapter 21:1-14.
β. Battles against the Philistines: chapter 21:15-22.
γ. David’s victory song: chapter 22.
δ. David’s swan song and Heroes: chapter 23.
b. Censurable, the number of the people, punished with pestilence: chapter 24.
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