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De Moor on Vindicatory Righteousness: Justification for Writing

While I was preparing myself for the writing of this little Disputation, I resolved to pause, fearing lest upon me should fall this Proverb, You do what has already been done: for, this Question concerning Vindicatory Righteousness, whether it was able to be said to be Essential to God, or not, seemed to me to be at hand in whatever Systems that include the Theological topic, and already thoroughly treated; and I did not really know that anything could be added by me to the exactingly polished discourses of Men most illustrious; nay more, since I was obliged to acquaint myself with them, I knew that something of a blot, rather than of ornament, was going to be added to them through my feeble efforts. At the same time, my strength of genius, which I was feeling to be meager, was prohibiting me to attempt anything greater. But I took heart by recalling into memory that, not only upon me, but upon the many that at this time undertake to publish anything, has fallen this lot, that those things that have already of old been written might be thoroughly treated by them, and adorned with new splendor. Neither is this strange, inasmuch as we read that TERENCE[1] had already observed and also frankly confessed concerning himself that nothing is now said, that has not already been said, in his Prologue to “The Eunuch”. Which same thing Solomon long before the age of Terence assigned to the vanity of human life, and of sublunary things, Ecclesiastes 1:9, 10; 3:15. I trust, therefore, that I am going to obtain pardon from the Benevolent Reader, if I now more panstakingly inquire into this matter: especially since they know, at least as many as are not complete strangers to Academic circles, that only for the sake of exercise are such papers made subject to public disquisition; those that in this regard oppose Orthodox Truth do not altogether cease; and in my judgement the matter is indeed worthy of serious meditation, which will be evident of itself in the following examination of it. But, lest we should any longer delay at the threshold, we shall pass to the matter itself.

[1] Publius Terentius Afer (died 159 BC) was a Roman playwright.

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