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Writer's pictureDr. Dilday

Heidegger's Bible Handbook: Psalms: Synoptic Outline

Argument of the Psalm:

1. True blessedness.

2. The Kingdom of Messiah.

3. Consolation against enemies.

4. Rebuke of the emulous.

5. Prayer against the enemies of the Church.

6. Prayer of the trembling soul: Penitential I.

7. The guardianship of God against the wicked.

8. The majesty of Jehovah.

9. Celebration of victory Divinely granted.

10. Prayers against the treachery of malice.

11. Consolation against wicked enemies.

12. The grace of God implored against the multitude of enemies.

13. A supplication of one wrestling with sin.

14. A complaint concerning Atheists.

15. The blessed inhabitants of Heaven.

16. The sufferings and glory of Christ.

17. God, the refuge of the innocent.

18. God, the rock in straits.

19. The works of nature and of grace.

20. Prayer for an eminent rule.

21. The glory of the king accepted by God.

22. Prophetic Passional.

23. Jehovah as shepherd.

24. The inhabitants of the mountain of God, and the Kingdom of Christ.

25. Manuduction to blessedness.

26. The innocence of the just.

27. The one thing necessary.

28. Retribution upon the impious.

29. The efficacy of the Divine word.

30. Sorrow turned into joy.

31. The efficacy of hope and faith in God.

32. The blessedness of the remission of sins: Penitential II.

33. The works of God and the blessedness of man.

34. God, the keeper and protector of the pious.

35. God, the defender against impious ligitgants.

36. God’s goodness and truth asserted agains the impious.

37. A comparison of the prosperity of the impious with the lot of the pious.

38. Prayer for remission of sins in the midst of deadly illness: Penitential III.

39. The art of dying.

40. The prayer of David as a type, or of Christ suffering.

41. The blessedness of the merciful.

42. Desire for the vision of God.

43. God, the judge of the impious, and the light of the pious.

44. Prayer for the salvation of Jacob, against his enemies.

45. Epithalamium of Christ.

46. God, the strongest tower, the greatest warrior.

47. The God of the Jews and King of the Gentiles.

48. The glorious city of God.

49. The vanity of the world and its riches.

50. Distinction between true and false religion.

51. David’s penitential: Penitential IV.

52. The wickedness of Doeg, and the grace of God towards David.

53. The same as Psalm 14.

54. The afflicteds’ waiting upon God.

55. Domestic enemies.

56. The answering of prayers against enemies.

57. Prayer to God among lions.

58. Expostulation with the courtiers of the King.

59. Prayer for deliverance from enemies.

60. Thanksgiving on account of victory.

61. God, a strong tower.

62. Exhortation to trust in God.

63. Desire of returning to the Tabernacle.

64. The character and snares of enemies.

65. Praise for the manifold blessings of God.

66. The praise of God, the preserver and searcher.

67. The calling of the Gentiles.

68. Ἐπινίκιον/victory song.

69. Prayer in straits, of David as a type, or of Christ.

70. Prayer for the confusion of enemies.

71. Prayer for the continuation of grace.

72. Prayer for the Royal son.

73. Untroubled peace in God alone.

74. Invocation of help against enemies.

75. The judgment of God, exalting and humbling.

76. God, the upholder.

77. Remembrance of the mighty works of God in trials.

78. God’s ancient deeds of might.

79. Intercession for Jerusalem against its destroyers.

80. The Shepherd of Israel keeping watch over His vine.

81. God’s ancient works, and the people’s ingratitude.

82. The office of Magistrate.

83. Frightful things against the confederated wicked.

84. The charms of the House of God.

85. Restoration of the Church, prayer for its preservation.

86. Prayer for Divine protection, direction.

87. The glory of the Church begotten in Zion.

88. Prayer of the poor and dying.

89. The benignity of God in the Church.

90. The song of Moses, meditating upon death.

91. Faith in God, the protector.

92. Praise of the creator God, and distinction of the lot of the just and the unjust.

93. The stability of the Kingdom of Jehovah.

94. Consolation in persecutions.

95. The glory of Jehovah, the rock of salvation, and His worship.

96. Invitation to the Gentiles to glorify God.

97. Prophecy concerning the Kingdom of Christ.

98. The trumpet of the coming Judge.

99. Invitation to glorify Jehovah as King.

100. Praise of God on account of His manifold grace.

101. The holy administration of state.

102. Supplication of the afflicted Church: Penitential V.

103. The soul exulting in the grace of God.

104. The school of nature and of providence.

105. The marvelous works of God from the exodus out of Egypt.

106. Chronicle of the desert, and reproof of the defections of the people of God.

107. Thanksgiving of those protected by Jehovah.

108. Encomium of Divine deliverance.

109. Prayer against calumniators.

110. Christ sitting at the right hand of the Father.

111. Praise of God on account of His works, marvels, covenant.

112. Blessedness of the faithful.

113. Benediction of God, raising up and making fertile.

114. The Exodus out of Egypt compared with the glorious advent of the Lord.

115. Jehovah’s grace, omnipotence, blessedness, and the vanity of idols.

116. Gratitude promised on account of deliverance from straits.

117. The calling of the Gentiles.

118. Encomium of the Divine goodness.

119. The golden Alphabet, or a commendation of the testimonies of God.

120. Weariness with false lips and lying tongues.

121. The lifting up of hearts.

122. The glory and felicity of Jerusalem.

123. Imploring of the mercy of God.

124. Thanksgiving on account of deliverance from the snares of fowlers.

125. The stability of those trusting in God.

126. The joy of the future deliverance from captivity communicated to the soul.

127. A happy household and city.

128. The blessedness of the marriage of Saints, and their offspring.

129. The cross triumphing at last.

130. Invocation of God from the depths: Penitential VI.

131. Mirror of the humble and lowly soul.

132. Prayer for God’s chosen tabernacle.

133. The bond of fraternal concord and Divine grace.

134. The office of the ministers of the Church.

135. The celebration of God as the best and sweetest.

136. The celebration of God on account of His beneficent nature and glory.

137. Imprecations of the Church, delivered from Babylonian captivity, against Edom and Babylon.

138. Rejoicing of the redeemed.

139. A graphic description of Divine providence.

140. Prayer against disparagers, and bloody hypocrites.

141. The evening sacrifice, or a supplication against enemies.

142. Lamentation of one shut up in a cave.

143. Deprecation of judgment, and prayer for a revelation of grace: Penitential VII.

144. Epinicion of David, and a supplication against enemies.

145. Commendation of the works, Kingdom, and subjects of God.

146. Faith in God alone.

147. The Providence of God, general and special.

148. Three choirs of creatures praising God.

149. Triumph of the Church.

150. The praise of God proclaimed by all means, and with the whole soul.

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