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Heidegger's Bible Handbook: Genesis: Detailed Outline

Updated: Dec 17, 2019

6. It’s parts according to the Parashot, Sedarim, and material are principally three. I. The History of the origin of all things (chapters 1, 2). II. The History of the former world (chapters 3-7). III. The History of the later world under the Patriarchs (chapters 8-50). A Synoptic Table and the Interpreters of the Book, Ancient, Reformed, Lutheran, Roman Catholic, and Hebrew. A division of Genesis is instituted by the Hebrews according to their Parashot, which they enumerate as twelve in number. But they number forty-three Sedarim or orders. Now, with respect to the material without any disadvantage we establish three general parts, namely, the history of the origin of all things, Chapters 1 and 2, of the former world, Chapters 3-7, and finally of the latter world under the Patriarchs, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph, Chapters 8-50, which parts we now briefly bring into the light.

I. The History of the origin of all things, Chapters 1 and 2. See:

1. The History of the universal creation, namely, of Heaven, earth, and light (verses 1-5), of the firmament of Heaven (verses 6-8), of the separation of water from dry ground (verses 9-13), of the Sun, Moon, and stars (verses 14-19), of fish and birds (verses 20-23), of land animals (verses 24, 25), and of man (verses 26-31): chapter 1.

2. The particular History of the man created, in which, with the divine sanctification of the seventh day narrated (verses 1-3), is particularly repeated the creation of Adam (verses 4-7), of Paradise (verses 8-14), of which both the occupation, and the fruit, are granted to man, with the tree of the knowledge of good and evil excepted (verses 15-17), and finally of Eve (verses 18-23), who is given to Adam as a bride (verses 24, 25): chapter 2.

II. The History of the former world, Chapters 3-7. See:

1. The tree forbidden to man; with the serpent as counselor, the fall of man eating (verses 1-7), the condemnation of mankind, and the redemption of the same by the blessed seed promised (verses 8-22), their ejection from Paradise into the rest of the earth (verses 23, 24): chapter 3.

2. The twofold posterity of Adam.

a. Cut off in Abel, whose parricide by impious Cain, upon occasion of their sacrifices (verses 1-8), as the condemnation of the parricide (verses 9-16), and his posterity (verses 17-24), and also the generation of Seth (verses 25, 26), are described: chapter 4.

b. Restored in Seth; of whom, after the repetition of the creation of Adam (verses 1, 2), ten generation, all the way to Noah, are fitted together (verses 3-32): chapter 5.

3. The corruption of the former world through the flood. See:

a. The cause of the corruption, the wickedness of man proceeding beyond measure (verses 1-13), and the command to build the ark, by the enclosure of which Noah with his family, and the animals of diverse sort received, would be preserved (verses 14-22): chapter 6.

b. The Flood itself, after Noah, with his family and the animals, had entered the Ark (verses 1-9), sent, and consuming the former world, with the inhabitants of the ark excepted (verses 10-24): chapter 7.

III. The History of the latter world, under the Patriarchs Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph, Chapters 8-50. See:

1. The restoration or palingenesis of the world.

a. Through the drying of the earth, known by the sign of the raven and the dove sent out the third time (verses 1-14), whence Noah, going forth from the ark (verses 15-19), presented offerings to God their Preserver (verses 20-22): chapter 8.

b. Through the restoration of man, sent forth into to his pristine dominion, with the eating of blood excepted (verses 1-7), and by covenant joined restoratively to God, with the sign of the rainbow enacted (verses 8-17): chapter 9:1-17.

2. The history of the latter world and Church under Noah: chapters 9:18-11:31. See:

a. The drunkenness of Noah, mocked by Ham (verses 18-23), and the prophetic curses and blessings (verses 24-29): chapter 9:18-29.

b. The propagation of mankind from the three sons of Noah, Japheth (verses 1-5), Ham (verses 6-20), and Shem (verses 21-32): chapter 10.

c. After the mad efforts to build a tower οὐρανομήκους, as high as heaven (verses 1-5), with their language now confused (verses 6, 7), the dispersion of the same (verses 8, 9), in which also the genealogy of Shem is interwoven (verses 10-30): chapter 11:1-30.

3. The history of the world and of the Church under Abraham: chapters 11:31-25:12. See:

a. The departure of Abram with Terah from Ur of the Chaldees unto Haran (verses 31, 32): chapter 11:31, 32.

b. The calling of Abraham and his departure into the land of Canaan (verses 1-9), and thence, with the dearth of provisions pressing, into Egypt (verse 10), where by King Pharaoh Sarah is taken from him, and, with the Lord sending plagues, is restored to him (verses 11-20): chapter 12.

c. His return from Egypt (verses 1-5), friendly withdrawal from Lot, so that they might make use of the more open spaces of the region, vacant at that time (verses 6-13), and, after the repetition of the promise to him (verses 14-17), migration toward Hebron, where he erects an altar to the Lord (verse 18): chapter 13.

d. The Pentapolitan war, in which the Pentapolitani, at first yielding victory to the foreign kings (verses 1-12), are avenged by Abram, demanding Lot, who had been taken in the war (verses 13-16), to whom returning Melchizedek renders congratulations (verses 17-20), and the King of Sodom the asked portion of the spoils (verses 21-24): chapter 14.

e. The promise made to Abram concerning the multiplication of his seed (verses 1-7), and confirmed by a solemn covenant entered upon with him, and ratified by rites (verses 8-12), with servitude through four hundred years in a hostile land foretold, and with liberation from the same promised (verses 13-21): chapter 15.

f. The union of Abram with Hagar, with Sarai indulging (verses 1-3), in which is the flight of Hagar, pregnant and insolent, from Sarai (verses 4-7), and her return to Sarah, with the Lord commanding (verse 8-14), and the birth of Ishmael (verse 15): chapter 16.

g. The covenant of grace again entered upon with Abraham (verses 1-9), and ratified by the Sacrament of circumcision (verses 10-14); the name of Sarai changed, and seed promised to her (verses 15-22); and finally the circumcision of the family of Abraham (verses 23-27): chapter 17.

h. The hospitality of Abraham toward the Angels (verses 1-8), requited with the promise of Isaac (verses 9-15), and a familiar communication of the impending destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (verses 16-33): chapter 18.

i. Sodom demanding the Angels, having been received and dined by the hospitality of Lot, for illicit intercourse (verses 1-11); with Lot liberated from their and led away to Zoar (verses 12-23), Sodom’s tragic destruction, to which the wife of Lot, although forbidden, turning her eyes back, is turned into a pillar of salt (verses 24-29), with the daughters of Lot thinking that mankind had perished, seeking sexual intercourse with their inebriated Father (verses 30-35), whence Moab and Ammon were born (verses 36-38): chapter 19.

k. The departure of Abraham toward Gerar, where, with his wife taken from him by Abimelech (verses 1, 2), the King is reproved and punished, whence, with an expostulation made with Abraham (verses 3-13), Sarah is restored to him with other gifts (verses 14-16), and the King is healed through the intercession of Abraham (verse 17, 18): chapter 20.

l. The birth of Isaac (verses 1-8); Hagar driven thence with Ishmael, yet with Ishmael preserved, and married to an Egyptian woman (verses 9-21); and a covenant entered upon with Abimelech (verses 22-34): chapter 21.

m. The trial of Abraham, who, having been commanded to offer his son Isaac (verses 1-11), being about to slay him, is Divinely prohibited (verse 12), and sacrifices in his place a ram (verses 13, 14), whence God, with his obedience proven, confirms the promises concerning inheritance and concerning the Christ by an oath (verses 15-19), and Abraham receives news concerning the birth of his brother’s children, especially of Rebekah and Bethuel (verses 20-24): chapter 22.

n. The death of Sarah and the mourning of Abraham (verses 1, 2), purchasing and place for burial (verses 3-18), and burying Sarah there (verses 19, 20): chapter 23.

o. The piety of Abraham, for his son making provision of a faithful wife through his servant (verses 1-9), who, proceeding into Mesopotamia by the guidance of God, obtains Rebekah, kinswoman of Isaac, as a wife for him, and brings her to Isaac (verses 10-67): chapter 24.

p. The marriage of Abraham with Keturah (verse 1), the children had by her, and with gifts sent away into the East (verses 2-6); Abraham’s death and burial (verses 7-11): chapter 25:1-11.

4. The History of the Church under Isaac: Chapter 25:12-27:40. See:

a. The death of Ishmael, the brother of Isaac (verses 12-18): chapter 25:12-18.

b. The birth of Esau and Jacob (verses 19-27), and the right of primogeniture sold by the form to the latter for next to nothing (verses 28-34): chapter 25:19-34.

c. The traveling of Isaac unto Gerar, unto the valley of Gerar, and Beer-sheba, and the favorable and unfavorable events there (verses 1-25); the covenant entered upon by Isaac with Abimelech (verses 26-33); and the nausea conceived by the marriage of Esau (verses 34, 35): chapter 26.

d. The blessing of Isaac, snatch away from Esau by Jacob through the counsels of Rebekah, with the Lord directing (verses 1-33), and demanded back by Esau in vain (verses 34-40): chapter 27:1-40.

5. The History of the Church under Jacob: Chapter 27:41-36:43. See:

a. The counsel of Rebekah suggested to Jacob concerning preparations for a flight into Mesopotamia, because of the plot of his brother (verses 41-46): chapter 27:41-46.

b. The journey of Jacob into Mesopotamia undertaken, with his father charging him (verses 1-5); the counsel of Esau, adding a daughter of Ishmael to his former wives, in the hopes of thus reconciling with his father (verses 6-9); and on his journey Jacob’s vision of the ladder, in which God confirms to him the paternal blessings, and promises His own favor (verses 10-22): chapter 28.

c. Jacob’s arrival in Mesopotamia, where he, being kindly received by Laban (verses 1-14), makes an agreement with the same to serve for seven years for Rachel (verses 15-20), and then, with Leah substituted at the wedding by fraud, he makes an agreement for another seven years, so that he might acquire Rachel (verses 21-25), with Rachel made barren by God, but Leah the mother of four sons (verses 26-35): chapter 29.

d. The rivalry of Rachel and Leah, giving their handmaids in their own place to Jacob for the purpose of childbearing, and the children begotten of them (verses 1-24), and the dismissal sought from Laban, hindered by a new bargain for wages, whereby he is made the wealthiest in herds by two arts (verses 25-43): chapter 30.

e. Jacob’s flight and return from Mesopotamia (verses 1-20), with Laban pursuing him, disputing with him on account of his flight (verses 21-42), and finally entering into a covenant of peace with him (verses 43-55): chapter 31.

f. Jacob’s journeying on, and fearing greatly from his brother Esau (verses 1-22); his wrestling with the Angel, over whom he prevailed (verses 23-32): chapter 32.

g. The hostile encounter with Esau, Divinely transformed into a peaceful one (verses 1-16), and the coming of Jacob into Canaan, where he sets up a house and worship (verses 17-20): chapter 33.

h. The rape of Dinah (verses 1-12), and thence the deceitful and violent slaughter of the Shechemites perpetrated by Levi and Simeon, with their Father bemoaning it (verses 13-31): chapter 34.

i. With the family cleansed again, and with their idols cast away, Jacob’s departure from Shechem toward Beth-el, where, with an altar built, he buried Deborah (verses 1-8), with the Divine promise repeated to him (verses 9-15), and thence to Ephrath, and, after the death and burial of Rachel while giving birth to Benjamin (verses 16-20), to Edar, where Reuben commits incest (verses 21-26), from Edar to Hebron, where he salutes Isaac, afterwards dying and being buried (verses 27-29): chapter 35.

k. Jacob’s separation from Esau, and Esau’s habitation in Seir (verses 1-19); the genealogy of the Horites of Seir (verses 20-30); and the propagation of Kings and Princes from Esau (verses 31-43): chapter 36.

5. The History of the Church under Joseph, in which at the same time the history of Jacob continues: Chapters 37-50. See:

a. The adverse happenings, which befell Joseph, and Jacob also: chapters 37-39.

α. The conception of the hatred of Joseph’s brothers toward him (verses 1-11), erupting in a plot; the casting of Joseph into a pit, and his sale (verses 12-30); and, with his tunic, tinged with the blood of a kid, sent to his father (verses 31-35), his resignation into the hands of Potiphar (verse 36): chapter 37.

β. Judah’s triple unfortunate offspring, married to Tamar by the law the Levirate, and killed (verses 1-11), and the subsequent incest of Judah with Tamar (verses 12-26), from which were born Pharez and Zarah (verses 27-30): chapter 38.

γ. The benevolent treatment of Joseph by Potiphar (verses 1-6); the solicitation of Joseph by Potiphar’s wife to illicit intercourse, whom resisting, and by whom falsely accused of wickedness, he is cast into prison (verses 7-23): chapter 39.

b. The favorable happenings befalling Joseph and Jacob: chapters 40-50. See:

α. The preparation for the exaltation of Joseph; the recognition of his Prophetic gift, which he exerted in the interpretation of dreams,

א. For the two incarcerated servants of Pharaoh (verses 1-19), which the event soon proved (verses 20- 22): chapter 40.

ב. For Pharaoh himself (verse 1-37): chapter 41:1-37.

β. The exaltation of Joseph, who, having been made Lord over all Egypt, attended to the gathering of the great abundance of crops against the famine foreseen by him: chapter 41:38-57.

γ. The first trial of the brothers of Joseph, with the famine raging on, coming into Egypt to buy grain (verses 1-28), and returning to their father with Simeon left behind (verses 29-39): chapter 42.

δ. The addition of Benjamin to them (verses 1-14); the second trial of them, in which they, having been splendidly received, are presented with gifts (verses 15-34): chapter 43.

ε. The third trial of the same, in which the cup, hidden in the sack of Benjamin (verses 1-3), is found, and Benjamin is required for servitude (verses 4-17), with Judah pleading for him with weighty petitions, and surrendering himself in Benjamin’s place (verses 18-34): chapter 44.

ζ. Joseph’s disclosure of himself to his brothers; his speech to the same, not without their shame as ill-deserving (verses 1-8), who by order of the King are next sent back to their father, equipped with carts, provisions, and gifts, to bring their father and family (verses 9-20), and, having returned, bear good tidings to their Father (verses 21-28): chapter 45.

η. An account of the members of Jacob’s family (verses 1-27); his descent into Egypt, where he is kindly received by the King (verses 28-34): chapter 46.

θ. The tarrying of the Israelites in Egypt: chapters 47-50. See:

א. The placing of Jacob in the land of Goshen (verses 1-12); the famine continuing throughout all Egypt, and the inhabitants preserved by the provident care of Joseph (verses 13-26); and Jacob’s care concerning his burial (verses 27-34): chapter 47.

ב. The death of Jacob, co-opting his grandchildren from Joseph as the future heirs of the Divine promise, and of his pledge (verses 1-20), and a prediction of return unto the land of Canaan (verses 21, 22): chapter 48.

ג. The Prophetic Benedictions of the Twelve Patriarchs (verses 1-28), after which Jacob, repeating his will concerning his burial, dies (verses 29-33): chapter 49.

ד. Jacob’s burial (verses 1-13), and Joseph’s benevolence toward his brothers, being frightened on account of conscience (verses 14-21), and the death of the same (verses 22-26): chapter 50.

Dr. Dilday's Lecture: "The Dawning of a New World"

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