Samuel makes his sons judges over Israel; their names, and ill government, 1-3. The people ask a king: Samuel is grieved; prays, 4-6. God is displeased with the people; but commands Samuel to hearken to them, and to represent to them the tyrannical government of kings, 7-9; which he doth, 10-18. The people continue in their request: God commands Samuel to yield to them, 19-22.
Matthew Henry: 'Things went so very well with Israel, in the chapter before, under Samuel's administration, that, methinks, it is a pity to find him so quickly, as we do in this chapter, old, and going off, and things working towards a revolution. But so it is; Israel's good days seldom continue long. We have here, I. Samuel decaying, verse 1. II. His sons degenerating, verses 2-3. III. Israel discontented with the present government and anxious to see a change. For 1. They petition Samuel to set a king over them, verses 4-5. 2. Samuel brings the matter to God, verse 6. 3. God directs him what answer to give them, by way of reproof (verses 7-8), and by wa…
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