The Parts of the Prophecy are two:
I. The prior calling of Jonah, Chapters 1; 2, in which is:
1. His calling: chapter 1:1, 2.
2. His lack of success, in which is:
a. The flight of Jonah: chapter 1:3.
b. The punishment of Jonah fleeing: chapter 1:4-17.
c. The prayer of Jonah: chapter 2:1-9.
d. The deliverance of Jonah from the belly of the whale: chapter 2:10.

II. The latter calling, Chapters 3; 4, in which is:
1. The call repeated: chapter 3:1, 2.
2. The obedience of Jonah preaching to the Ninevites: chapter 3:3, 4.
3. The successful outcome of his preaching: chapter 3:5-10.
4. The impatience of Jonah: chapter 4.
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