4. The excellent use of the Prophecy.

Now, he accommodates all things to the advantage of his time, yet in such a way that all that he writes is so adapted that the individual things might be suited, and be able to be of use, to posterity, and the Church of all times. For he declares, what the will of GOD is; how great His goodness, righteousness, and truth are; what the intention of the divine law is; what the duties of the pious are. He everywhere consoles the pious, and shows how greatly GOD cares for them, and what an extraordinary relationship He has with His elect. He weaves together illustrious prophecies concerning Christ, His greatness and benefits. Finally, his scope is to show and declare a twofold circumcision, twofold captivity, twofold liberation, twofold Testament or covenant, twofold Temple, and twofold land.
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