HOLY FATHERS: None separately.
REFORMED: Drusius, Gwalther, Lavater, Strigelius, Burman, Wolf. English: Arthur Jackson, John Mayer, Taylor, Thomas Cooper.
LUTHERAN: Brentius.
ROMAN CATHOLIC: Bonartius,[1] Celada, Ferus, Fevardentius, Malvenda, Paulutius, Sanchez, Cajetan, Serarius.

HEBREWS: פירוש מגלת אסתר, Perush Megillat Esther, אור הרת, of Rabbi Eliasha Gallico,[2] ירהמלך, ידי משה יוסף לקוח of Elieser Germanus, Joseph ibn Yahya, Lechem Setharim, ישע אלהים of Rabbi Abraham Tsabulon, לקח טוב of Rabbi Jam Tof Saalon, מחיר יין of Rabbi Moses ben Rabbi Israel Isserles,[3]מלחמות משׁה of Rabbi Solomon bar Tzemach, תפארת נרעת משׁה ישראל Rabboth, Salomon Jarchi rendered into Latin by Henricus Aquinus.[4]
Let the Interpreters of the Books of the Old Testament be added.
[1] Olivier Boonaerts (1570-1655) was a Flemish Jesuit scholar. He wrote commentaries on Esther and Ecclesiastes. [2] Rabbi Elisha Gallico (c. 1520-c. 1579) was one of the great leaders of Safed. He wrote commentaries on Esther, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon [3] Rabbi Moses Isserles (1530-1572), son of the great Talmudist, Israel ben Josef, was a Polish Ashkenazic Talmudist and legal expert. [4] Louis-Henri d’Aquin (1602-1673) was a French physician and Hebraist. His father, Philippe d’Aquin converted to Catholicism from Judaism. Louis-Henri translated several Rabbinic works into Latin.
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