HOLY FATHERS: Augustine, Clement of Alexandria.

REFORMED: Danæus, Grynæus, Œcolampadius, van Staveren,[1] Zanchi, Zwingli, Meztrezatius, Burckhard. English: Cotton,[2] Dickson, Tyndale, Anonymous 1538.
ROMAN CATHOLIC: Delphini, Falengius, Johannes de Lovanio, Lorinus.
ADD the Interpreters of all the Books of the New Testament, and also of the Catholic Epistles, above.
[1] Petrus van Staveren (1632-1683) was a Dutch Reformed minister. [2] John Cotton (1585-1652) was an English Puritan and Congregationalist minister, eventually settling in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. He was a theologian of considerable reputation and influence in his day. Cotton composed commentaries on the Song of Solomon and 1 John. [3] Jakob Beurlin (1520-1561) was a German Lutheran theologian. He served as Professor of Theology at Tubingen (1551-1561), lecturing on Melanchthon’s Loci, John, 1 John, Romans, and Hebrews. [4] Johann Georg Dorsche (1597-1659) was a German Lutheran theologian. He served as Professor of Theology at Strasburg (1627-1653) and at Rostock (1654-1659).
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